Welcome everyone to Gen-X Bears Twin Cities! Gen-X Bears Twin Cities is an organization that is for Cubs, bears and there allies. Designed as a organization to help bears, cubs and there allies to meet, Gen-X Bears has chapters all over the United States and now abroad! If you are interested in learning much more about Gen-X Bears please click the Globe to your left.
We believe that there is a whole new generation of bears and cubs coming out into our community. They want something to belong to, get to know people who are like themselves and there yet to be recognized allies. For those of us that are already out there, it gives us a chance to meet new people in our community and help those new to it feel welcome and have a great time as well!
So please check back often and see what is happening or about to happen with Gen-X Bears Minneapolis. We have just started up  but we have a lot of great ideas and plans pouring in! Gen-X Bears isn't much without it's valuable members. So if you are a member I want to thank you for your continued support and if you are considering joining, please visit the "Official" Gen-X Bears Website to learn more! If you like what you learn please join us for the fun!