Three years past,
Violent night.
Constant pain,
Constant strife.

I returned from distance,
to rebuild what was destroyed.
After much effort,
My love you employed.

I found the key to a heart once locked.
A heart of pure light, a heart which bled angel tears
and was hidden behind locked walls.
Unsure of how to open the lock,
I used that which I knew best - love and honesty.
Slowly you opened, showing me the way for me to go,
and showing me what it meant to love someone.

You asked me to understand that which I could not,
Not because I was unable,
But rather because I did not truly know.

By unlocking the secrets of your heart,
I also unlocked the great pain of years before,
causing you to cry...not tears of joy; but rather, those of pain.
Those painful tears though,
Allowed me insight into the greatness you are,
and why I feel what I do.
my only thought is that you will unlock that which makes me
human, as well as that which makes me feel alive
when you pass by.

I know that I cannot change the past,
but if for one second I could erase all the pain
you have been given, I would give my all.

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