I woke up one day to find the sun gone,
all the clouds, chirping birds, and warmth too.
All that was left was a cold black heart.
I realized that it was not a dream,
but instead what I had created for myself.

Subconsciously I had pushed away all that was me,
namely you.
When I lost sight of what you meant to me,
My sunlight disappeared.

I saw my heart for what it was becoming,
A black mass in the center of my chest,
Devoid of love and caring,
Filled instead with me, myself and I.

It took the tears of a soul,
pure in and of itself
to show me that I was Shiva,
destroyer of all and none alike.

I am left now with a choice,
Allow myself to become that which I hate,
Empty and meaningless, devoid of warmth,
Or someone who is worthy of a soul's tears.

I choose worthiness and love.