By Angel Peacemaker

The first post and the isolation post suck. They're the hardest. At least in my opinion. The first post because you're thinking "Gee, how do I introduce my character without writing a chapter novel or making him/her look lame?"

To which the GM's answer: WRITE AS MUCH AS YOU HAVE TO. Never be afraid of a post being too long. This is a writing game; i.e. the point is to READ! So don't get cold feet if your first post goes over a few pages. Don't get cold feet if all of your posts go over two pages.

As for the isolation post, your kinda just left on your own for that one. Oh, the GM's would like to add:

  1) You cannot brake out of ISO   2) You cannot visit people in ISO

Usually if you write two ISO posts then you're free. Depending on the GM. The norm is two posts.

Keep major plot development durning the training session down to a minum. It will only be read by a short number of people. Character develope, but don't have yourself go through the TOUGHEST trial of your life when your still locked away in a compound.

Oh, and with meeting other people, durning the training session. Like, for example, one group went off to a colony to converse with diplomates, and all of a sudden everyone was meeting people from their pasts. Well, for one. Are the people they're meeting the people that would be at a diplomatic function for the anti-Earth Sphere people? And consider, you can't have that meeting in the main group, where the plot is REALLY important.

GM's would like to add:

* You CANNOT leave the lab without their permission.

Don't be afraid to ask the GM for advice or approval. Like in the above example, two of the character meetings had been approved by both the main GM, Krasnow for go-ahead.

And when personally e-mailing the GM's, scientists, chances are Sunnie and DZ won't answer you. The scientists will write back within a day. Heck, they reply faster to private messages than game ones. Mostly because they think the sooner a yes or no is given the sooner the plot will be moved along, the sooner they can get you outta there.

Loner characters are great. Go loners! Go assholes! Yay! But always having your character going off on his own will be a problem. I mean, how long do you think the other characters will be wanting to chase you around? Be a loner, but stay in the general area. That way, at least you'll be around to fit into the plot.

Don't go against the scientists. When they say no, they mean no. It's not that bad. In the first round of training sessions one guy decided that he wanted to be a spy from OZ mid-game. And he wouldn't quit. Also he was pretty mouthy, in and out of the game. The scientist did a post of him getting shot then told everyone to remove his name from the mailing list.

GM's would like to add:

* Remember Sunnie and DZ are both GM's. And with DZ's personality, threatening and/or manhandling Sunnie is not in your characters best intrest.

The GM's do have the ablility to override any of the game's rules. ESPEICALLY killing another persons character without permission.

If you however feel that your character is being mistreated by a GM or another character, inform either the GM or the game's main spinster, Krasnow (

Powers are fun! Yay! However, be careful what you do with them. If you're a water element for example, you cannot also be a psychic one. Keep your attacks based on your element, I know that if you think about it, you can manipulate certain things to do other things; like fire ki people being able to burn away wounds or something like that, but this can be too easily churned into the realm of unrealstic.

Keep things realstic. Having your character running down the streets of PleasentVille with two machine guns strapped to his back going "WAHAHAHAHAHAHA" is going to get him arrested. Chances are, Krasnow will not be in the mood to post bail.

Think about power levels. I know, I know. Our egos are as big as Texas, but let's face it, if your character is an eleven year old girl who weighs eighty pounds, chances are, she's not going to be able to beat up, say, one of Fei's super cyborgs. It's just NOT realstic. If your character can't fight, don't have him suddenly be able to fight for sake of ego.

For example, Sunnie cannot fight. He's normal size, normal weight. But he can't fight! Hence, he either screams "DAAAAAAAARKIE", runs, or is beaten to a pulp.

Your character won't win every time.

Keep your personal life out of the game. We don't want to hear about your boyfriend; a fight at school; or anything like that. Why? Because we're cold hearted bastards! BWAHAHAHA! No, actually, because not only does it create unneccisary reading, but it can also make other players uncomfortable. This game is meant to have fun. Occasionally to depress the hell out of you. But should always be kept within a fantasy setting.

This does not give you permission to have a dragon attack the station, by the way.

Stick to your bio. Don't throw out weird side twists without first getting a GM's confirmation. Don't suddenly go, "Oh, by the way, I have an evil twin sister, who got a sex change, but the doctors messed up her mind, DAMN YOU OZ, and now, she's standing right behind you ready to kill me." Especially in the training session, if it is not hinted in your bio, it will make the GM's very unhappy.

*dark voice* and you will not like us when we are unhappy. WAAAAAAARG!!!!!

Hmmm. You'll eventually get to know the people around you pretty well. Soon you'll be able to post their actions and dialogs. Don't do this until you have a good understanding of their character.

Oh, Ground ZERO was a game started a few years ago amongst a group of people and has since January 01 expanded into a web game. A lot of the orginal characters are either here now or coming in. They know each other, so they will post each others dialog and action. Aw, just think, you'll be as kooky and family-like as they will someday. Provided you enjoy the game and wish to continue.

Code Names- Code Names are NOT NICKNAMES! If your name is Daniel, having your code name be Dan or Danny is LAME.

Plot Twists. Krasnow's pretty dern loose in the way she runs her game, but if you're thinking of putting in a major plot twist (which is one of the main jobs of the GM, might I add) get it approved by the GM first. If your arch enemy is waiting around the corner and you're about to have the biggest fight of your life, inform your scientist or Krasnow. Cos maybe they were planning something else and don't have time to stop, or perhaps you are actually in a situation (say, I private colony- this has happened) where the person certainly wouldn't be.

Pre-cogs. It's a psychic power, but a normal player usually has no idea what the GM is planning and therefore its a useless power, because most of the time their visions are squished out for the bigger plot line. Leave the oracle-ness to Crawford. ^_^

BWAHAHAHA *pauses game boy* we believe in elemental status. For example, fire is the opposite of water and ice. An earth element and a wind element have a disadvantage over each other. If you're a water element, stay the hell away from electric ones. If you're an electric one near a water one (BWAHAHAHA) remember the "no killing other team members without permission rule."

Spell check is not a requirement in this game.

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WE DON'T NEED ANYMORE ANGELS. Code name. Gundam name. Character names. Same with anything the begins with freeze.

Cliche characters. Their parents were killed by OZ, they're out for revenge. Hm. Believeable and common, but getting dull. As are perfect soliders or people who fall to the ground in seizures for no apparent reason.

Was your character an outside experiment? As in, one not made by Project ZERO? If so, why would a scientist trust you or want to have you in his group? *scratches chin* Hmm.

All sap or all gore gets boring after awhile.

As does repeated flash backs.

Bad mouthing the GM in the site's forum.... not a good idea.

Don't diss on other people's characters outside of the game, in NRPC notes. The second person to ever get kicked out of GZ, was booted because of that.

DON'T E-MAIL KRASNOW YOUR TRAINING POSTS. IT REALLY PISSES HER OFF. She has the password for the scientists, she peeks into their mails everyday, she doesn't need an extra copy .

Mmmm. Food is good.

HAVE PATIENCE. Assembling a group is a lot of hard work. Approving the bio, pasteing it to the website, and getting a scientist who wants you take more than a few days. Heck, it can take weeks. Scientists only like to do one grop at a time with six to eight people in each group. That way he can indivdualize his attenton.

So that's...let's see... seven plus six... about fourty-nine players in one group.

We invented Instructor X because we had too many bios. Half the sceintists are always double grouping.

ABSOLUTE DESTINY - if for some reason (vacation, grounding, pure laziness) you do not post for awhile... just .... post. I mean, you don't have to ask special permission to do it or anything. Just think of it as a very convient plot whole. One minute your not there, the next you are. Badda bing, badda boom. Yeah.