Mission: Black Dragon

(The Star Dust Revolution)

Basic Overview | Washington Mission | Tokyo Mission | Columbia Mission | London Mission | Hong Kong Mission | Berlin Mission
[ Time Line ]

Mission Overview

Krasnow's offical debriefing:

"In the next seventeen hours we will launching Mission: Black Dragon. Six leaders have been chosen out of eight candidates to go to the following locations." A map appeared on the screen behind her, highlighting each part of the world that she announced, "Katrianya Esperanza - Santa Lupe, Columbia, South America. Axel Thompson Jr - Washington DC, United States, North America. Stro Uda - London, England, United Kingdom. Amy Westwood - Berlin, Germany, West Europe. Themis Ryuzaki - Hong Kong, Republic of China, Asia. Tamashii Saiko - Tokyo, Japan."

"Black Dragon is our assault on the Earth Sphere. Our real assault. The mission beforehand was intended solely to stir things up for OZ, make them known of our presence, as a threat; but not formally launch battlement. To show our aggression we will be assassinating seven of fifteen Earth Sphere Leaders, the top delegates and aristocrats of the Organization. Each one is located in his respected spring home. They are heavily guarded and won’t be easy to kill. How the mission is handled is dependant entirely on the mission leader. Follow their orders or get in trouble. Whether or not your Gundams are taken on this mission is up to your leader."

Washington Mission


Location: Washington DC, United States.

[waiting for condensed description] Target:

Washington Team

- Mana Taka
- Hayato Hiyen
- Damien Sage
- Takatori Dark Zoilo
- Karaway
- Raysa Noyoki
- Seven Evanlion
- Max Adrian
- Alex Green
- Sephy Benton
- Charm

Tokyo Mission


Location: Tokyo, Japan.

- Ontop of Tokyo being a military strong hold, the team has to worry about their targets body guards, the Yakuza, and OZ Mobile Suits. Getting into this man's life is going to be a tough one.

Target: Noboryu Katsua - age 53.

Tokyo Team

- Birdie
- Zaenith Aurus
- Vincent Stefili
- Chaim
Xiang Yung-Sun
- Raoke
- Konomi Suzuka
- Krieg Romanov
- Tsukiyono Sunnie
- Jesse Plunk
- Angelica

Columbia Mission


Loaction: Santa Lupe, Columbia.

- Between ruling the world and supplying half the galaxy's drug lords, this target somehow finds the time to take a seven week vaction at his summer home in Santa Lupe. A pleasent, pimp mansion surrounded by Columbian jungle. Muschlia's a paranoid one, but with his wealth, who wouldn't be? His fortress is heavily guarded.

Target: Don Lorenzo Muschlia - age 45 (wife Rosita, mistress Angela, and children will be at the mansion as well.)

Columbian Team

- Cyrus Logan
- Hikari Yokazuma
- Anaphiel Celeano
- Judecca Antenora
- Solo " Lice " Bianca
- Derrick Mitchell
- Angela Bacani
- Domonic Toretto
- Xiefiel Alexavier
- Rashid Al'Dulad
- Domonique

London Mission

STRO - The Phoenix.

- London's target lays low, keeps to himself, and it utterly corrupted. As one of the rulers of the Earth Sphere, this man has the best of everything. The best cars, the best food, the best body guards. London's team will not only have to deal with the heat of assassination, but they will have to get through the Black Guard * to do it.

Target: Benton Croft, age 47

* Black Guard is an elite UK assassin group, consisting of super soldiers: Teyona Fox, Rose Agent, and Chamber Nors.

London Team -
Yokan Yusami
- Einham Schwartz
- Nardus Rix Kalort
- Xenon Harper
- Gemini Moon
- Miguel Cellous
- Ashleigh Vance
- Jade Firestorm
- Anj
- Hawarong
- Samara Kibel

Hong Kong Mission

THEMIS RYUZAKI - The Golden Dragon.

Location: Hong Kong, China.

[as yet to be determined.]

Target: Dan Feng-Yu, age 39.

Hong Kong Team:

- Kahil Emmajauanhana
- Angel Peacemaker
- Chris Sharke
- Kenzi MacNally
- Appalachian Rand
- Number 9
- Salvador Young
- Jasna Atalaya
- David Russom
- Deoji

Berlin Mission

AMY WESTWOOD - The Psychic.

Location: Berlin, Germany.

- Germany group will attend a royal banquet that is being held prior to colony/earth sphere discussions. The party is being hosted by the Sanq Kingdom but will not be held in Sanq Kingdom territory. Germany group will have five members go in as representives of Rosenkruetz or Este (the psychic organization) and will work from there.

Target: Peter Constantine, age 53 (his wife Martha and twin daugheters Age 11 will also be there)

Time Line

- 2351.02.27.0647 Mission Black Dragon is Launched.

- 2351.02.27.0713 Birdie switches into Tokyo Team, Cyrus Logan takes his place.

- 2351.03.01.1384 Launch Begins

- 2351.03.13.0283 Axel Thompson Jr meets up with an old friend, a weapon dealer, and cleans him out, getting the ammunition needed to begin the Washington Mission.

- 2351.03.16.1839 Angel Peacemaker is arrested for destroying a Buddha statue.

- 2351.03.23.0938 The London teams explores their target area, setting up survillance equiptment. Unknowningly, one member trips a secruity wire.

- 2351.03.24.0468 The London team comes in contact with Black Guard.

- 2351.03.24.0499 Tokyo teams begins mission infiltration. Noh play try-outs.

- 2351.04.01.0153 Doctor U's recently commissioned group leaves the Absolute Destiny and joins mission black dragon.