These are some DORKY quotes I found. lol.


Hey, I could go to a juvie instead of a real prison!
This is the young cave dweeler. He is running back and forth, beating trees.
Thou shalt have a frog in thy bathroom!
The nice thing about England is that they actually speak English.
Everybody feels up sometimes, they feel down sometimes, sometimes they feel sideways, sometimes they feel weird.
We've always looked forward to coming to Australia and..walking on our hands
We've built very extensive Lego castles on rock platforms.
We are made up of 2/3rds water...and then the rest is guts, muscle, bone, all kinds of gooey stuff..


I'm a boy..and I'm not gonna pull my pants down to prove it!!
I have a really bad potty mouth.
If we are, we're gonna get our little rears kicked!
Zac, you'd make a cute girl! [incest??]
I recommend rollerblading down the hallway in a hotel, it's a heck of alotta fun!
Oh..I didn't know you cared!!
Yeah, Zac was sropped on his head as a baby.
Why would you be sitting outside at a hotel? [well, sometimes people like to be outdoors..and go for walks..stalk their favorite band.. ya know, that type of thing]
Zac was sitting with his genius, um, mum, mum, mum, mum!.....well no...not with his genius...but he was sitting with something!!
Getting your license gives you the right to pick your nose in the car.
The coolest thing about our fans is that they're devoted... but psycho
You pick your nose, wipe it on the table,pick your ear, go to the bathroom to wash your hands, forget to, and the fans scream when you touch their hand, and they have no idea where your hands have been. [mental note: never shake taylor's hand..]
I'm gonna cover you in barbecue sauce and work you like a rib.


I love me a good spanking!
We're gonna die! [most people do..]
Think of us as old people with high voices
Hey! Don't play those tapes 'cause they'll blow up!
I'll tour with Hanson! [thats original..]
I made a gumball that looked like your face.
Obviously, Canadians have some lungs!
Yup, i shop at the gap. i'd like to model for them, but they said my butt was too big. tay, do you think my butt's too big?

These are some quotes I found, where they say something but mean something totally different.


He says: Did you know if you play MMMBop backwards it's pobMMM?
He means: I have more time on my hands than you think

He says: We wanted to be a Boyz 2 Men/Ace of Base type of group where we can sing harmony and dance.
He means: We can't dance, so that was out

He says: We love London. The first time we came here our record company took us out tosee the sights and we were like, 'Oooh.' We just thought Big Ben appeared onpostcards.
He means: Homeschooling's taught me a lot

He says: If I were describing it in a nutshell it would be kinda hard, considering I can't get in a nutshell because I'm a little too big. But, if it were a large nutshell I would attempt it and then I would probably...okay...whatever.

He says: Tay and Zac have had some pretty incredible wrecks recently.
He means: But I'm just so great so.. ya know, I never wreck because I'm.. what? Oh, my arm? How'd I break it? Well.. see, I was.. actually, it's not even broken! Look! ::moves arm and grimaces in pain::

He says: I don't think our parents embarrass us, really.
He means: Well, unless you count that time my dad taped me picking my nose.. or the time my mom followed me and my friends to the mall because I needed to be reminded to get new underwear..or..what the hell am I saying?! Of course they f*cking embarrass us!

He says: She'll just laugh at you, slap you in the face and say, 'Buh-bye loser!
He means: Believe you me! I have A LOT of experience in this field!

He says: I would say it's actually easier to perform for people you dont know rather than friends and family.
He means: I like to flirt with the girls I'm not related to, because I usually get smacked for flirting with my cousins and sisters.
He says: Our Mom was saying the other day...when we go to our room at night...she says, 'Stop talking and go to sleep.'
He means: Heh, I said talking didn't I? Oh well, talking..whacking.. same thing. I guess..

He says: We like sports...we try to do sports...
He means: We fail at trying to do sports..

He says: The last thing you want is overkill
He means: Yes, overkill is bad.. ::to audience:: have I mentioned that our NEWEST CD is on sale right now for just $14.99?? If you buy This Time Around, you will also get Tulsa, Tokyo, & The Middle of Nowhere, The Road to Albertane, Live From Albertane, Middle of Nowhere, Three Car Garage, Snowed In, 3 OFFICIAL Hanson t-shirts, MOE mousepad, and the Middle of Nowhere songbook for the low cost of $198.50??

He says: First of all, I'd have boobs! Aargh! No, part of who we are is that we're guys and we have this thing going on...
He means: We have this thing going up..

He says: I ran a red light one time - on accident..
He means: I ran that thing and I was damned proud of it too! Scared the shit outta my brother too.

He says: We met the Spice Girls. They were very nice.
He means: Little whores, damned bitches calling us brats.. psshh!

He says: Wait - a Chinese fire drill; we won't get arrested!
He means: We're HANSON, they won't dare arrest us!

He says: During interviews I act quite laid-back, but in real life I'm actually quite wacko. I'm a bit of a party animal.
He means: I'm such a liar..wonder if they bought it.. hmm..

He says: This car is so smooth, it's actually hard to tell how fast you're going.
He means: Is 90 legal in this state?

Gotta any Good Quotes?