Ever wonder what the hell Hanson are so sure about?!? Well I did. I DIDN'T like pick apart the song, actually I came by it by mistake. Here are some THEORIES, on what they are so sure about. REMINDER: These are ONLY THEORIES, and this is a humorous area of this site.

It has been scientifically proven that when you are stressed your feet get colder, and your heart pumps 2 times faster. Thus my THEORY came about.
~>By ME!
"Sure About It" is a song about stress, and different ways of dealing w/ that stress. The first verse is the part of the song that describes way that you can get stress. Such as: "...Sitting on the corner of nowhere road.."..aka. being alone. The second verse is the part that describes ways that you deal with stress."...The man w/ the cocain load.."aka. doing drugs.
~>By Marina
Taylor is a sick perv
~> By Chelsea
i think sure about it is like a teenage national anthem. because in the song "shure about it" touches base on alot of things teens go thru nowadays. like the 1st verse when they talk about being lonely , alot of kidds hafta deal with being lonely every once and a while. and in the second verse they talk about drugs. and teens def. hafta deal with the hole say no 2 drugs thing!! so basically the song, is funnie and it tell ya how to deal with growing up in the 90's / new century or watever.
---Got a Theory?!