Deja Brew Golf Tournament 2001

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Sunday, September 16, 2001 at the Glenbrook Golf Course we had the Fourth Deja Brew Golf Tournament!  Special thanks to:
  • Bob: for working with the golf course and arranging the food.
  • Danny and Arrow 93.7:  for donating CDs, tee shirts, and other great prizes to numerous to mention. (Also some great music!)
  • Jess:  2 kegs of porter and bitter. 
  • Philip:   Belgian  ale, triple choc stout, and a couple of others (brain fog). And a round trip home for more beer and ice.
  • Tim (the"eagle"):  A steam beer which proved to be very popular. Some players even had a steam cup and an others cup.
  • Brock & the St. Arnold crew:  The amber keg floated before 9 holes were completed.
  • Luanne & Dawn:  Selling raffle tickets, pictures, beer cart drivers. 
First place:    Bob Meyer's team at -11
Long drive:     John Thigpen
Closest to pin: Ray Louvier

Notable achievements:
Eagle by Tim Jenkins 
3 strikes for Mike on 1st tee
Best beer consumers -- KGB

We welcome any suggestions on how we can make next year's tournament bigger and better.

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