Chapter Nine

The Sorting Ceremony

“Attention everyone. We will be arriving at Hogwarts in five minutes.”

The voice echoed throughout the train. A red haired girl sat up in her compartment rubbing her green eyes warily. Glancing around she could’ve have sworn she was still dreaming. She was in a train compartment wearing a black robe and by her side was a wand that had fallen out of her pocket while she was sleeping. On the seat across from her a girl was sleeping. And sitting beside her sat a boy with messy black hair who was awake and smiling at her.

“About time you woke up. We’ll be at Hogwarts in less then five minutes.” He said to her.

Lily suddenly realized that this was not a dream. It was reality. Instantly she sat up wide-awake.

“How long have I been asleep James?” She asked him.

“Not too long. You dozed off about a half-hour ago. Allison on the other hand has been snoring for the last hour.” James said rolling his eyes.

Lily laughed and went over to wake Allison.

“No wait allow me.” He said a twinkle appearing in his mischievous brown eyes.

“Snorius!” A blue light shot from his wand and hovered near Allisons ear.

A low rumbling sound filled the compartment. It sounded like someone’s snoring had been magnified. Allison jumped up her eyes snapping open and the blue light dispersed.

“Ouch. What’d you do that for?” She asked rubbing her ears and scowling.

Lily and James burst out laughing.

“You have to teach me that one.” Lily said to James between laughs.

“Comes in handy doesn’t it.” James said grinning at Allison who stuck out her tongue at them.

It would be very useful, she thought with a smirk. She could just picture Petunia leaping from her bed clamping her hands over her ears with a shout. Lily made a note to herself to ask James to teach her the spell first thing tomorrow.

The train slowed to a complete stop. Compartments were flung open and students all over the train began piling out of the doors onto the platform. They had arrived at Hogwarts. Lily’s heart fluttered in her chest as she followed a frowning Allison to the doorway.

“Where did you learn that spell anyway?” She asked James in a whisper so Allison couldn’t hear.

“My mom always uses it on my Dad when he snores too loudly.” James said with a grin.

Lily giggled earning a frown from Allison.

The three of them stepped off of the train and immediately became immersed in a large milling crowd of students. It was nearly dark and looking to her left Lily could see the sun sinking into the trees, barely visible. Time had passed quickly. Lily stood uncertainly beside James and Allison wondering where to go. Was this the school?

“First Years! First Years over here!” Called a loud voice.

Lily and the others followed the voice and pushing their way through the crowd they came to a group of first year students. The students were huddled around a tall man who looked to be about fifty or so with a wide smile. He was holding a large lantern in his hand that gave off a wide array of light making them all feel welcome.

“Hello I’m the game keeper at Hogwarts, Ogg. Is everyone here?” He asked peering over their heads as a few more came into the group behind Lily, James and Allison.

As they waited for a few more stragglers Lily searched the crowd knowing that these faces would soon be familiar with her. But she was disappointed to find that Arabella was no where to be found.

“Come along and follow me. It’s getting dark and it’s slippery so watch your step.”

The sun had sunk below the horizon and Lily could hardly see anything as she stumbled down the narrow dark path. It was slippery and Lily had to catch herself from falling many times as they progressed on toward their unknown destination. Surprisingly they were silent, concentrating on the bobbing light ahead and trying in vain to see the pebbles and tree roots that would pop up out of nowhere and trip them.

Finally the path opened up to reveal a tranquil lake. No wind stirred and it was a surprisingly warm evening. The first years followed Ogg to a group of boats that sat bobbing on the shore.

“Four to a boat!” Ogg told them.

The students surged forward with renewed excitement. Someone pushed Lily and she tumbled into the closest boat. Glaring she turned to see a boy with greasy black hair brush past James and Allison and climb into a boat with two other boys and a mean looking girl. James and Allison followed Lily into her boat along with a boy with dark hair that seemed to know them.

“I don’t like the looks of them.” Lily murmured watching the other boat.

“Don’t worry about it. They’re probably Slytherins.” James said sitting down beside her.

“And we all know how much we love Slytherins.” The dark haired boy said grinning.

James and Allison laughed.

“This is Sirus.” Allison said seeing Lily’s perplexed gaze.

Sirus waved and did a mock bow. The boats lurched forward and he toppled forward making the others laugh in amusement.

“I’m Lily Evans.” Lily introduced herself.

“It’s a pleasure to meet such a fine young lady.” Sirus said with a charming smile.

“I think I’m going to be sick.” Allison said.

James rolled his eyes.

“No literally.” Allison said edging away from the others turning slightly green.

“It’s not even a real boat and you’re already complaining.” Sirus said.

“Don’t encourage me to throw up on you Sirus.” Allison said queasily.

Sirus shut up after that.

Lily lifted her eyes to look ahead. Her jaw dropped and her eyes grew to the size of saucers.

A castle had just came into view. Situated on a hill it towered over them, looming on the horizon. Staring at the towers and the twinkling windows full of light Lily could find no words to describe it. She had only seen a castle once in her life. But it had been centuries old and weather beaten. This castle was alive and full of life. It was amazing. It was everything she had dreamed of but ten times more. Lily was left breathless and astonished.

The others were having similar reactions and were speechless. Everyone seemed to be awed by the dazzling scene before them. Even Allison seemed forget her seasickness as they moved toward the magnificent castle.

Lily’s eyes never left the wonderful scene before her. Her wide green eyes were shining and she kept on pinching herself to make sure that this wasn’t a dream and it was real.

She wasn’t dreaming. This was her wish come true.

All too soon they lost their precious view of the castle and were bumping against the shore of what looked like an underground tunnel. James had to poke Lily several times before she finally came out of her trance and clambered out of the boat.

“That was awesome.” Lily exclaimed.

“Yeah I had the time of my life.” Allison said sarcastically.

“Since when can lakes make you seasick.” Sirus said to her.

Before Allison could reply Sirus waved to someone and jumped out of the boat. He ran up to a girl with long wavy hair and they were soon swallowed by the crowd of students. James and Lily began talking excitedly while Allison shakily stood up and got out of the boat.

“My parents told me about Hogwarts but I never thought it’d be this great.” James told Lily.

Allison attempted to regain her balance and stood wavering on the spot. Lily instantly reached out and grabbed one of her arms. James grabbed her other arm. Supporting Allison they started up the stairs slowly half dragging her along in their excitement and anticipation. They took up the rear and Lily and James continued their conversation over Allison’s head.

When they reached the top Lily and James came to an abrupt halt. The chatter and students had stopped in front of a black haired woman dressed in emerald green robes. She gave them a stern glare causing them to cower before her.

“ Welcome to Hogwarts. I am Professor McGonagall. The start –of- term banquet will begin momentarily, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. While you are here at Hogwarts your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room.”

“The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn you house points, while any rule breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours.”

There was a noise and the door opened revealing Ogg.

“They’re ready for them.” He said opening the door for them.

“Very well. You shall be sorted in front of the entire school. Now come along, we’ve already kept them waiting long enough.”

Lily turned to look at Allison and James. James looked a little pale but managed a weak smile. Allison on the other hand was looking better now that she had both her feet back on land. The glow had returned to her cheeks and a smile adorned her face. Her eyes danced merrily in amusement. She was laughing.

“What?” Lily asked.

“You’ll see.” Allison said pushing them forward.

She glanced at James but he only shrugged.

Lily’s heart was pounding in her chest. Her stomach was fluttering and her hands were shaking again as she followed the Professor into the Hall. She was nervous. What would the sorting ceremony be like? Would she make it through? Lily decided that maybe she’d get lucky enough to be sorted into Hufflepuff. If she was lucky enough to even get that far.

The doors opened to reveal four tables filled with hundreds upon hundreds of students all staring at them. Their eyes bored into them and Lily just wanted to sink to the floor. James must have known because she felt him tap her on the shoulder and smile at her. He pointed to the ceiling.

Lily looked up and was surprised by what she saw. Thousands of candles were floating in midair lighting up the room. Lily had never seen candles hovering in midair before but the ceiling was what caught her eye. It was the night sky. Filled with stars and constellations Lily felt herself return to the roof with the breeze ruffling her hair and Violet beside her. Of course Lily knew instantly that this ceiling was not the true night sky. She had a certain sense that it was some kind of illusion done probably by magic. But all the same the image of the starry night gave her a calming feeling. She turned to James and smiled confidently. She felt braver now.

They marched toward the front of the room. Lining up they spread out in front of a three-legged stool. On top of the stool was a very old patched pointed hat. Lily was curious.

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat. The few people that had been whispering stopped talking. The entire hall was silent. A pin could’ve dropped. Suddenly a flap opened in the patched hat. Much to Lily’s surprise that hat began to sing!

“Once upon a time
There were four that were truly divine
Godric Gryffindor the brave
Rowena Ravenclaw the clever
Helga Hufflepuff the kind
And Salyzer Slytherin the power
The best and the brightest
Powerful and never short of the slightest
They were the best of their day
There was no one that was better then they
They had an idea and came up with a plan
To build a school where children can
Learn the magic and spells, potions and history
And so it was built
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
So now a thousand years later
You stand before me like waiters
Where will I put you?
Will it be Gryffindor
The brave of heart
Or Ravenclaw
Where your brains are smart
Maybe Hufflepuff is for you
Where you’re loyal and hard workers too
Or could it be Slytherin
The ambitious and powerful
One of these four
Shall be yours
So come forward and sit down
Now the correct house for you may be found.”

The hall broke into wild applause when the hat finished. Lily clapped as the hat bowed to each of the four houses.

“When I call your name, please step forward and sit down on the stool.” Professor McGonagall announced.

“Avery, Kevin.”

A frowning boy came up to the stool, plopping himself down and putting the hat on his head. It took a few moments to decide before Avery became a


The Slytherin table welcomed the boy with smirks and smug looks toward the Gryffindor table who was hissing.

“Black, Sirus.”

Sirus walked up to the stool. He looked confidant and only a little pale. The usual grin was absent from his face as he sat down picking up the hat. He put it on his head. Before it could slide down over his eyes it declared


Thunderous applause came from the Gryffindor table. Sirus strode over and sat down in one of the empty seats as the older students congratulated him.

More students were called up but Lily wasn’t listening. Her heart was pounding again in her chest. She found herself wishing there were more letters and students between “B” and “E”.

“Dragonwood, Allison.”

Allison gave Lily and James a small smile. She walked up bravely to the stool and placed the hat delicately on her brown hair.

“Just like your dear mother. You’re another one who’s going to be part of that group, very powerful indeed.” Said a voice from inside of the hat.

“Huh?” Allison asked.


Allison grinned, pulling the hat off of her head she marched over to the table to sit beside Sirus. The Gryffindor table was making a racket again. Lily smiled and silently hoped that she would be joining them.

“Evans, Lillian.”

Lily looked at James and managed a smile. She was going to tell that hat that she wanted to be in Gryffindor. She started the long walk toward the stool repeating over and over in her head that she was going to be in Gryffindor with her friends. Lily was determined to get into Gryffindor. She picked up the hat and sat down on the stool. She placed it on her head and it slid down over her eyes. For a moment she was in total darkness. A voice from somewhere in the hat began speaking.

"Let me see. You have loyalty, definitely the brains for Ravenclaw, you could meet your true friends in Slytherin, but that bravery of yours. . . could lead you into trouble. You want Gryffindor? Please reconsider. There are things that I cannot tell you about . . ."

“What?” Lily asked confused.

“I cannot tell you. Are you sure about Gryffindor?”

James crossed his fingers hoping that Lily would be sorted into Gryffindor. Why was the sorting hat taking so long? Unlike he and Allison, Lily’s parents hadn’t been in Gryffindor; they hadn’t even been at Hogwarts. Lily was one of his best friends. She had to go to Gryffindor she just had too.

“Tell me!” Lily pleaded with the sorting hat.

“I wish I could. I’m sorry Lily. GRYFFINDOR!”

Lily got up off the stool removing her hat. What had the hat been trying to tell her? What was so bad about Gryffindor? The wild cheers from the Gryffindor table brought her back to reality. She was in Gryffindor!

James was grinning and clapping. She met his eyes and grinned. Her wish had come true. Lily was overjoyed and nearly ran to the Gryffindor table to join Allison. Allison was jumping up and down applauding. She hugged Lily and squealed.

“We’re both in Gryffindor!”

“I know!” Lily said grinning as she took her seat beside Allison.

The sorting ceremony continued but Lily was so excited that she hardly listened. Among the many Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs and Slytherins only “Figg” and “Lupin” got sorted into Gryffindor. But it was only when “Pettigrew, Peter”, a chubby blonde haired boy, sat down on the stool that Lily and Allison turned their full attention back to the sorting. They were waiting for James’ sorting. After what seemed like an eternity, “Pettigrew” came stumbling over to the Gryffindor table knocking the stool over in his haste. At last “Potter, James” was called.

James couldn’t be happier. He had waited for this moment for ages. He sat down confidently on the stool and put the hat on his head. It slid down over his eyes leaving him in total darkness.

“Another one? How many of you are there? I know where you’re going. No need to tell me. GRYFFINDOR!”

James didn’t have time to ask what the hat had meant. The hat had probably just meant he was another Potter. After all, his parents, grandparents and great-grandparents had all been Gryffindors. He took off the hat and hurried over to the Gryffindor table. Lily, Allison and Sirus were all cheering and welcomed him with an empty seat beside Lily.

He could tell this was the beginning of a great year. In Gryffindor with all of his friends, what more could he want?

“Sit James.” Lily said grinning and beckoning to the seat beside her.

He smiled and sat down.

The Gryffindors were still celebrating long after “Prewitt” was declared a Ravenclaw.

Some time later “Rosier Evan.” was called to the stool.


“How many Slytherins are there?” Allison asked. The Gryffindor table began to hiss again.

“The more the better.” Sirus said jokingly.

None of them seemed to notice that “Rosier, Gloria.” was still sitting on the stool waiting to be sorted. The Slytherin table was whispering and pointing at the girl on the stool. But their jaws all dropped when


The small blond ran unnoticed over to the Gryffindor table. The Slytherin table was in a state of shock. The Gryffindors too didn’t seem to know what to do. But the applause soon began and the Gryffindors were soon shoving it in the Slytherin’s slimy faces.

“We got Rosier!” Soon the Gryffindors were chanting loudly.

The Slytherins came close to drowning out the noise with their loud “traitor” and “boos”.

Lily watched the rest of the Sorting Ceremony. She didn’t recognize anyone, other then the boy that had pushed her into the boat. “Snape, Severus” was declared a Slytherin. James’ had been right about him going to Slytherin. Sirus had been correct too. The Slytherins were not a friendly looking lot. They were quite the contrary. Lily was glad that she wasn’t put there.

The sorting ceremony ended on a bad note with “Wilkes” going to Slytherin and the Gryffindor table booing and hissing loudly. Things were starting to get out of hand when someone at the front of the room cleared their throat.

“May I have your attention please.”

Everyone turned to the staff table. An elderly man in dark blue robes was standing up calling their attention.

“Before we begin the feast I have a few words to say. Our caretaker Mr. Pringle would like to remind us that the Forbidden Forest is off limits. I would also like to remind you that visits to Hogsmeade are only for third years and above. We had a few incidents last year that I would not like to repeat.”

He shot a glare at a group of older boys at the Gryffindor table that were trying hard not to laugh.

“Please take notice of this. And now let the feast begin.”

Lily gasped. Food was appearing on the golden plates out of thin air. The goblets were magically filled and the food kept coming. Meats, fruits, soups, vegetables, bread and everything she could have imagined was laid out neatly on the many plates lining the table. The other students didn’t seem to be at all surprised and were already digging in, piling bits of everything onto their plates.

“Are you going to eat?” Someone asked poking her.

Lily turned to see a skinny red head across the table about seventeen staring at her. She noticed a shiny badge that read “Head Boy” and had clearly been polished more than once.

“Relax she’s a muggle born.” Allison said between mouthfuls.

“Wait a second. You mean to tell me that food doesn’t appear like this in the Muggle world?” Sirus asked in shock.

“Yeah get used to it.” James said grinning.

“You’re a muggle born?” The older boy asked.

“Yes.” Lily said timidly.

“Arthur will you leave the poor girl alone.” Groaned a girl with an irish accent.

She was seventeen also and had curly red hair that reached just below her shoulders, and a splash of freckles on her nose. The girl turned to Lily and rolled her eyes in Arthur’s direction. Arthur scowled at her not missing a trick.

“I’m just curious.” Arthur said quickly.

“Just give the questioning a rest for once. By the way, I’m Molly O’Brien and this is Arthur Weasley.” She said grinning.

“Head boy.” Arthur quickly added puffing out his chest.

“How could I forget.” Molly said jokingly.

“Oh I’m Lily Evans.” Lily said shyly.

“Lily I was wondering if I could just ask you a question or two because” Arthur started.

“Muggles fascinate him.” Molly said driving her fork into the mash potatoes. She clearly had memorized that speech and had summed it up.

“I was getting to that.” Arthur mumbled.

“Sorry I just figured that I’d save you all that air.” Molly said smiling sweetly.

He frowned and she stuck out her tongue.

Lily smiled. She got the feeling that Molly and Arthur were a couple.

“Anyway as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted.” He shot a glare in Molly’s direction. As soon as his back turned Molly crossed her eyes and stuck out her tongue at him, behind his back.

“What is the importance of this?” He pulled an electric plug from his pocket and placed it gently on the table.

“I think it is something very valuable. The man who sold it to me claimed that muggles worship this object. He told me that this is very rare and muggles keep it secret from wizards because it is of so much importance.” Arthur said looking at Lily hopefully.

Lily tried very hard not to laugh as Arthur began to tell her the outlandish price that he had paid for the plug. Apparently he had thought he was getting a very good deal.

“Um Arthur, that’s a plug.” Lily said trying to keep a straight face.

“Ah a plug indeed. I shall treasure this object forever. Lily you have been a very great help to me today.” Arthur said hurriedly thanking her.

Lily had no idea why she was being thanked. Molly was imitating Arthur again and was doing a very good job of it. Lily and her friends were soon grinning and attempting to stifle giggles. Arthur noticed this and turned back to find Molly innocently mixing her mash potatoes. Lily had no idea why she was being thanked. Molly was imitating Arthur again and was doing a very good job of it. Lily and her friends were soon grinning and attempting to stifle giggles. Arthur noticed this and turned back to find Molly innocently mixing her mash potatoes.

“What?” Molly asked innocently.

Arthur didn’t answer but stared suspiciously at her as he piled two rolls onto his plate.

Lily began piling food onto her plate. She took a tiny bit of everything. Deciding to be brave she even took some of the things that she didn’t recognize. James and Allison were glad to explain the new foods to her. Lily had thought that wizards and witches were the type of people who ate snakes, rats, bats and eyeballs but in reality they weren’t that different after all.

Sirus on the other hand had other ideas.

"These are feet of a rat dunked into the blood of a pig and roasted on an open fire of burning ducklings.” He explained.

Lily immediately pushed these things to the side of her plate.

“Oh and you have to try these, they’re fly wings mixed with snake ends, and bloody eyeballs.” Sirus said passing a plate to her.

“And don’t forget the pig hearts.” Someone said laughing.

Lily looked up and dropped her fork when she saw the girl sitting next to Sirus. The girl caught her eye and grinned. With her dancing hazel eyes and long wavy hair it was none other then Arabella Figg.

“Looks like we’re in the same house.” Arabella said smiling.

“Oh and don’t worry about the pig hearts and what not, Sirus was only joking.” Arabella said hitting him.

Lily was relieved to find that all of the dishes were nothing like Sirus had made them out to be.

Reaching for her goblet Lily felt suddenly cold. A shiver went down her spine as if she had just walked into a freezer. The goblet of pumpkin juice dropped from her hand with a crash. It spilt all over the tablecloth.

“I’m sorry did I startle you?”

Lily turned around to see a ghost. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. The ghost was looking at her concerned and really did look sorry for startling her. But startled, was an understatement.

“Ghosts don’t usually float around in the muggle world do they?” Sirus asked.

“No they don’t Sirus.” James said.

“Really? I was only kidding.” Sirus said looking shocked once more.

“Hello Sir Nicholas.” Molly greeted the ghost.

“Hello Molly & Arthur. Did you have a good summer?” The ghost was smiling and Lily could almost swear that he was slightly amused. Perhaps he thought that Molly and Arthur were a couple too.

“I had an excellent summer. I was made head boy.” Arthur said puffing out his chest.

Molly was mimicking him again.

“Congratulations. And you had a great summer also Molly.”

“Oh yes never better. I only got about 65 owls saying, “I’ve been made head boy”.” Molly said dramatically.

Lily stifled a laugh as Arthur was scowling again.

“You’re just jealous.” Arthur said.

The ghost was entirely forgotten. Lily could see him drifting away shaking his head, amused.

“Those two act as if they’re already married.” He said before disappearing from sight.

Lily privately agreed.

All too soon the feast came to an end. The plates stopped refilling themselves and were soon empty. The talk was less and everyone was full and tired. More than once Lily caught herself trying to stop a yawn. The prefects stood up from their various tables and began calling the students to them.

“Gryffindors this way!” Arthur said standing up.

The Gryffindors didn’t need to be told more than once. Lily and her friends pulled themselves to their feet and followed Arthur’s retreating figure. They left the Great Hall and started up a staircase. Arthur was explaining everything as they went along. But Lily was too busy marveling at the moving portraits to hear him warning them about the changing staircases.

“Let me guess. Pictures don’t normally move in the muggle world.” James said stealing Sirus’ line.

“Not normally.” Lily answered.

“You mean they stand still? That’s weird.” He said shaking his head.

Arthur Weasley lead them to the Gryffindor common room. Molly walked along with him since she was also a prefect. But Molly didn’t take her prefect responsibilities as seriously as he did. Arthur had already pestered her at dinner for not wearing her prefect badge. Lily noticed the little glances and smiles they exchanged and the teasing. Who were they kidding? There was more than friendship brewing between them.

“And Girls your dormitories are up that way.” Molly said pointing up a staircase.

Lily and Allison mumbled a goodnight to James and Sirus before parting ways. She and Allison climbed the staircase in silence too tired to say anything else. When they entered the room they found that their stuff had already arrived.

Lily changed into her nightgown and threw herself down on the bed where her stuff had been placed. She said goodnight to Arabella and Allison just to find that they had already fallen asleep. Rolling over onto her side she caught sight of the night sky and smiled.

Her adventure at Hogwarts wasn’t over yet. It was just beginning.

With those last thoughts Lily Evans drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Ten