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Indoor Fishing for Relaxation and Excitement

by Dusty the Gardencat

    Fishing is relaxing as well as exciting. Dusty, the cat, tells how the aquariums in her home offer relaxation and excitement to her and her family, and how they serve as her private TV sets.

    You can read the captions for the graphics
    by holding your mouse over them.
    "Did someone mention mouse?
    I thought we were talking about fish?
    " Black Kitty

    Meet Dusty, the Fishing Cat

    Some of you have met me before, because I have been helping my gardener, Traute, by writing articles for her.

    Fishing for Sport

      Are you a playmate or are you food?Do you know of a fisherman who hates to eat fish? If you do, introduce me to him. He can bring me all the fish which he does not want to clean or to eat. I and my family will take care of it. So why do these people insist on going fishing when they don't want the fish for anything other than a trophy? Maybe they just love to get away from a the wife who tells them to take out the garbage or from the children who ask for help with their homework. In other words, they fish to relax.

    Fishing for Relaxation

      Help! I am not a fish!Well, I don't need to go away to relax. I don't need to go away to fish either. We have lots of these floating water wonders in our house, all nicely displayed in glass aquariums. Mind you, I don't call them aquariums. They are my own private TV sets. I could never understand why some humans sit in front of silly boob tubes with people talking endlessly, when they could be watching a far more beautiful and real live TV screen. And those screens display my favorite subject, real live fishes. Why don't you come out to play?Not only I, but my whole family enjoys our live TV screens. It is so relaxing to watch those colorful swimmers gliding by, looking at us, saying hello with a wiggle of the tail before making another round. I have one problem with them, though. Sometimes those fishes get lazy and just hang in the water instead of moving around. I don't like that. I want to see some action, and I know how to get it. If I can just get my paw into the water and lightly tap a fish, they all move! I would never hurt my pets, I just want to remind them that it is their job to entertain us.

    Fishing for Excitement

      Tigers sure liven up the action, but only until they finish killing each other!At times, we have had more excitement on those aquarium screens than we bargained for. There was the time when Traute bought half a dozen tigers, because they happened to be on sale by the half dozen. We soon found out that tigers are not the most peace-loving creatures on earth. They harrassed other until only only one of them remained alive, and he died of boredom, because he had no one to chase. Traute thought that she had made a booboo when she brought them home, but I loved the excitement. Help me to reel in this big cat!The same thing happened to the angelfishes. Believe me, they are no angels, just because they look as though they have wings. We only had two, but those two both happened to be males. You cannot tell males and females apart when they are little, but you sure know when they grow up, because a male angel will not tolerate any other male angel in the same tank. So the smaller one either got chased or bitten to death. I know that Traute is going to scold me when I tell you that I found the killing fascinating to watch. So you see, I don't need to go anywhere for the excitement of fishing. I have it here at home.

    Other Articles Written by Dusty

    Dusty, the Fishing Cat, the author of this article

Cat or Dog Lover Poll

    Cat or dog, whom do you love?
    The independent cat or the obedient dog?
      I love cats more.
      I love dogs more.
      I love both equally well.
      It depends on my mood.
      I don't like either one.

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