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Listen to what I mean.

by Traute Klein, AKA biogardener

    Most men need a little help in trying to understand the real meaning of what their wives are saying, so here is a little interpretive guide to women's thoughts.

    Female Psychology for Mother's Day

      I love you, MomFor Mother's Day 2002, let me help hubbies everywhere to understand their wives better. When my words do not make sense to my husband, I usually remind him,
        Don’t listen to what I say. Listen to what I mean.
      Actually, I usually say, "Don't listen to what say . . ." and he completes the phrase for me. I am sure that this exchange of words happens in many a marriage. We women are so good at reading minds that we do not understand why most men have a problem with that art. So for the benefit of the men who do not understand the psychology of women, let me list some interpretations here.

    What I really mean.

    1. When I say, "Would you like to . . .,"
        I mean, "You should . . ."
    2. When I say, "I need to talk to you,"
        I mean, "Let me lodge a complaint."
    3. When I say, "Okay, go ahead,"
        I mean, "I wish you wouldn’t."
    4. When I say, "I am not upset,"
        I mean, "Of course I'm upset, and I have a right to be."
    5. When I say, "The gas gage is low,"
        I mean, "Don’t forget to fill up the gas tank."
    6. When I say, "We sure collected a lot of garbage today,"
        I mean, "Take out the garbage. Now!"
    7. When I say, "You are so attentive tonight,"
        I mean, "I wish you would spend more time just cuddling with me."
    8. When I say, "It’s up to you,"
        I mean, "You are not going to listen to me anyway."
    9. When I say, "Do you love me?"
        I mean, "Guess how much money I spent today?
    10. When I say, "How much do you love me?"
        I mean, "I did something today which I would rather not tell you."
    11. When I say, "We need new curtains,"
        I mean, ". . . and a new stove and dishes, and . . ."
    12. When I say, "This kitchen is so inconvenient,"
        I mean, "This old house is not worth remodeling. Let's look for a new one.
    13. When I say, "I'll be ready in a minute,"
        I mean, "You might as well read the newspaper while I am changing."
    14. When I say, "Do you like this recipe?"
        I mean, "It is easy to prepare, so you will be seeing more of it."
    15. When I say, "Am I too fat?"
        I mean, "Tell me that I am beautiful, even if you don’t believe it."
    16. When I say, "It's all right, dear,"
        I mean, "I will get you for that."
    17. When I say, "I am not raising my voice,"
        I mean, "I have to yell, because you never listen."
    18. When I say, "Do whatever you like,"
        I mean, ". . . and I will do whatever I want."
    19. When I say, "You have to learn to communicate."
        I mean, "Just admit that I am right.
      I love you, Mom
    20. When I say, "I'm sorry,"
        I mean, "You'll be sorry."
    21. When I say, "I don't want to talk about it,"
        I mean, "Go away, I have to build up a case first."
    22. When I say, "What makes you think there is something wrong?"
        I mean, "I'm going to kill you."
    23. When I say, "Are you listening to me?"
        I mean, "What's the use of talking to someone who never listens."
    24. When I say, "Nothing new,"
        I mean, "Nothing!"
    25. When I say, "Nothing,"
        I mean, "Everything."
      I love you, Mom
    26. When I say, "Yes,"
        I mean, "Maybe."
    27. When I say, "Maybe,"
        I mean, "No."
    28. When I say, "No,"
        I mean, "N - O - P - E! - No!"

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