Carrot and Chocolate sat on a bench in the park Chocolate just showed him a brochure advertising the next performance of an upcoming opera.

"Chocolate, I can’t believe you want me to follow you to a boring old opera. Jeez. The women in those things re all fat and wear horns and…" Carrot choked as Chocolate’s hands closed around his throat.

"Darling, you promised me you’d make up for not going to the dance contest so you are going to this opera!"

"But, Chocolate, I don’t even know Germanese or whatever…" Carrot spoke when Chocolate loosened her grip.

"You don’t have to know the language to appreciate the beauty of the play or even know the story." Chocolate let loose of Carrot, and he dropped to the ground hacking. "I am going to get ready. I expect you to be at my room by time to go." Chocolate walked off and Carrot groaned. He promised Chocolate he’d make up for disappointing her, but an opera? Carrot sighed. What he did to make Chocolate happy. Suddenly he caught a scent in the air. A girl!!! Kicking up dust as he ran he plowed right into a girl with orange hair whom was walking by.

"Hello, Pretty lady. My name is Carrot Glace. I am better known as The Love Machine."

"Oh my gosh. Are you hurt?" The girl was worried about Carrot and his nasty fall. Carrot took this as an opportunity.

"Oh gosh. The pain, the agony. I need your loving touch to heal my wounds."

"Shouldn’t you go to a doctor?"

"It’s not that serious." Carrot explained. "It’s nothing a date with you won’t fix."

The girl looked at the brochure she carried in her hand. She desperately wanted to go to the opera, but had no money. Perhaps Carrot could take her.

Carrot groaned when she mentioned the opera. *Chocolate wanted me to go with her. Oh, but this girl is so hot. What to do. What to do.* "Sure I will go with you." Suddenly, Carrot realized he was making a bad mistake. He laughed as he pushed it out of his mind.

Marron walked down the hall to find Chocolate kneeling in front of Carrot’s door peering thru the keyhole. "Chocolate, what are you doing outside my brother’s door?" Chocolate stood up abruptly, just realizing Marron was there giving her a quizzical look.

"N…nothing." Marron cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "Oh, okay. I was looking to make sure he was really sick. Darling came up to my room and told me he had some bad sushi and that he couldn’t go to the opera with me. It would be just like Darling to bail out on an opera."

Knowing Chocolate was right, Marron also became suspicious. He opened Carrot’s door. Chocolate gasped. Carrot was gone. An open window alerted them of the method of Carrot’s escape route. Chocolate looked out to see him running towards the park. "There he is, that creep. When I find him…" Chocolate gritted her teeth.

Marron's sweat dropped. He was worried for his brother’s safety. When Chocolate was angry all hell broke loose. This may be the stupidest thing Carrot had attempted yet. He was just about to suggest he go along with Chocolate when she stated, "Come on, Marron. You’re coming with me to bring Darling back. Then I’ll make him really sick." Marron sighed as he followed Chocolate out Carrot’s bedroom door.

Chocolate pushed back the limbs of the bush to get a better view. She and Marron had followed Carrot to the park. "There he is!" Chocolate exclaimed. "He’s with a girl!!" Veins popped out on Chocolate’s forehead and Marron looked at her with concern. As much as he wanted to protect his brother from harm, Marron was becoming increasingly angry at Carrot for hurting Chocolate the way he did. Chocolate was ready to pounce and give Carrot the whipping of his life when Marron grabbed her arm.


"He’s gonna pay for this!"

"Chocolate, calm down."

"I don’t want to calm down! I want to kill him!" Chocolate exclaimed thru gritted teeth. Marron sighed again.

"Chocolate, do you really want to hurt him?"

Marron watched as Chocolate’s eyes changed from anger to sadness. Tears formed around the edges of her eyes. Marron loathed his brother at that moment for causing Chocolate so much pain. Chocolate eased her stance and leaned against a tree.

"Sometimes I feel like it’s not worth it." Chocolate admitted. She wiped a tear from her face with the back of her hand. She looked at Marron who was surprised by her confession. "Sometimes I feel like Carrot will never love me, and I should just move on. Should I move on, Marron?"

Marron didn’t know how to answer. It killed him to see Chocolate in so much pain. Chocolate looked away from him and peered again into the bushes. She jumped up. "Darling’s gone!"

Marron looked too, thru the bushes, their heads just inches apart. Together they rose, and their foreheads knocked together with a large thump. Chocolate’s nose collided with Marron’s and they both cried out, "Ow."

Chocolate rubbed her aching nose and looked up. Her face was just inches from Marron’s. She could feel his warm breath on her lips. A memory rushed to her head of she and Marron as small children, One day, Chocolate had dragged Marron with her to the stream.

"Carrot has changed." Chocolate had told him.

"How so?’ Asked little Marron. His bowl shaped hair getting in his face.

"He said a girl kissed him." Chocolate answered. It was no secret that Chocolate had begun to show her crush on Carrot.

"So?" Marron asked, failing to see the problem.

"So he’s been chasing her around all day. That’s what’s so." Chocolate wanted to scream. Just thinking about Carrot with another made her mad. "If I kiss him, maybe he’ll chase me instead." She paused before saying, "But I don’t know how."

It didn’t surprise Marron that Chocolate let her vulnerability show. She was a bully and tried to act tough. Many of the kids in the village were scared of her. Occasionally, though, she let her guard down to Marron.

Carrot tried to act all tough too. He made fun of Tira when she cried so Chocolate never cried around him. She cried to Marron.

"You are going to help me!" Chocolate exclaimed happily.

"Huh?’’ Marron wasn’t sure he liked the sound of that. Chocolate walked up to him with puckered lips. Her ponytail bounced up and down.

"Now hold still…" Chocolate pressed her tiny lips to Marron’s and he froze. After awhile she lifted her head. "That was weird."

"Uh huh."

Chocolate giggled at the memory as Marron rubbed his aching head. "What’s so funny?" He asked.

"Nothing." Chocolate smiled. She had almost forgotten that Marron had actually been her first kiss. For an instant she wondered what it would be like to kiss him now. Now that they weren’t children. Now that she was a full-grown woman and he was very much a man.


"Huh?" Marron’s voice brought her out of her thought.

"Don’t you want to find Carrot?"

Chocolate jumped up as if finally remembering her purpose. "Let’s get him!" She took off running with Marron trailing behind her.

They followed him to the opera house. A huge poster on the door told of the times and prices to see the performance. Chocolate saw Carrot’s head disappear thru the door, and she fumed. "He’s going to the opera!!!??!!!" I will kill him! I will never forgive him!!!" She tried to get past the front door man, but he held his arm out to block her.

"You cannot enter unless you pay, ma’am."

Chocolate’s face was blood red and smoke came out of her ears. Marron handed the man some cash, and he let them thru. Chocolate pushed thru the people looking for Carrot while Marron purchased a pair of opera glasses. He figured he’d have a better chance of finding Carrot in the balcony-hopefully before Chocolate did.

Carrot held the beautiful Orange’s hand. In a deep voice he said, "My dear Orange, No opera voice could capture the majesty of you exquisite face." Orange giggled at the compliment and Carrot thought *Oh yeah, I’ll be getting some tonite.*

Chocolate stormed up to Carrot, pushing thru audience members returning to their seats. Carrot saw her coming and tried to hide his head. His attempt failed.


"Shhhhh!" Came from a group of people trying to watch the show.

"Who is this girl, Carrot?" The girl sitting beside Carrot asked. "Is she your girlfriend?" Carrot gulped.

Chocolate answered, "No, I'm not. I'm never going to be and I don't want to be anymore!" Chocolate's voice waivered, exhibiting her hurt and anger.

Marron watched from the balcony thru opera glasses. Just as expected, Chocolate was making a scene. A significant number of people weren't watching the opera anymore. They were watching Carrot and Chocolate.

"I am tired of it, Carrot! I am tired of your lying and sneaking away. You owed my this opera and you couldn't even keep that promise, Carrot Glace."

"Should I leave?" Asked the girl.

"No, you stay." Chocolate pointed at her. The girl shrunk into her seat. Chocolate turned her attention once again to Carrot. "Ooooohhhh.. Why can't you be more like your brother?"

"Chocolate, I'm…"

"I don't want to hear your apologies." Chocolate was no longer yelling. She held the same intimidating voice she did when she was in full battle mode, but she had not transformed. Her voice was deep, and Carrot became more frightened than he ever did in his life. "If you were really sorry you wouldn't have done it in the first place."

"I really think I should leave…"

"Stay." Chocolate told the girl again. "He wants to be with you. He doesn't want to be with me. Never has, and never will." Chocolate turned away and began to walk down the aisle. Just before she left, she turned to Carrot again and pummeled him into the floor, creating a crater in the middle of the aisle.

Marron lifted his brother from the Carrot shaped crater in the floor. "You've really done it this time, brother. What were you thinking?" Marron's tone told Carrot of his anger. Carrot knew he was in big trouble. "Do you have any idea how much you've hurt her?"

Carrot sighed. "You're right. I'd better go find her." Carrot began down the aisle, but Marron stopped him.

"You've done enough. I'll go."

Marron ran out of the opera house and down the street in the direction of Chocolate. It was sprinkling now, and the wind with it sent a chill thru the air. Marron's hair blew across his face, and he brushed it away, looking for Chocolate. He discovered her rushing down the street towards the rundown part of town. He took off after her.

Chocolate shivered, but the coldness in her heart surpassed the coldness of her body. When her jacket began to soak in the moisture and her red hair was plastered against her face from the now pouring rain, she took refuge beneath a canopy of a donut shop. That's where Marron caught up with her.


"I hate him, Marron."

"No, you don't." Marron stood beneath the canopy with her. They both shivered. Chocolate looked into Marron's worried face. "You don't have to follow me, you know. I can take care of myself."

"I know."

Realizing that Marron would always be there for her, she leaned into him and sobbed. Marron stood there and held her until her crying ended along with the rain.


Carrot went back to his room. He didn't bother to finish watching the opera with Orange. How could he when he felt as guilty as he did. He was beginning to feel trapped. He didn't like Chocolate keeping him away from other girls, but at the same time he couldn't hurt her. She was one of his best friends. Suddenly Marron bolted thru the door and said, "Brother, you're an idiot. Your behavior has quickly become tiresome. I can't stand to watch you play Tira and Chocolate any longer. They are way too good for the likes of you."

"Dammit, Marron. What is your problem?" Carrot punched Marron then. The movement caught Marron off guard and he stumbled backwards. He touched his lip. It was swelling up and when he withdrew his fingers blood trickled on the end.

"Brother, you've gotten on my last nerve."

Tira felt strange discussing the Glace brothers with Milphey around, but she let him stay. Gateau, Chocolate, Tira, and Milphey talked about what had happened at the opera, and Carrot's behavior. "When Marron came in I never saw him so mad. I'm a little bit worried about them. They've always been so close."

"All this because of Chocolate?" Milphey asked. "Way to go, girl,."

"I don't think it's just Chocolate." Gateau clarified. "I think it’s a lot of things. Maybe they've finally had it with each other."

Tira heard some commotion behind the door. She rose from her seat and looked into the next room just in time to see Carrot falling down the steps. Marron jumped on top of him and they rolled around on the floor, waving punches here and there. "Carrot and Marron are fighting!!" Everyone rushed to the other room.

Both boys were bleeding quite a bit now, and each were panting with exhaustion. Neither was willing to give up and blow after blow occurred. It was difficult to say who was winning. "Knock it off, you guys!" Tira yelled. Carrot and Marron paid no attention.

Milphey wedged between them and pulled them apart. "As much as I would like you two to continue this nude in a tub of warm mud, you really should stop." The Glace brothers seemed to calm down some and only stood giving each other threatening looks. "Now that’s better. Can you two talk this out?"

"I refuse to talk to a selfish, self righteous bastard like him." Carrot told Milphey while still staring at his brother.

"Likewise." Marron said.

"Good. See? Now we are talking."

"Don’t even try to escape. Milphey and I are guarding the door. You are not coming out until you reach some kind of agreement." Gateau said from the top of the steps. Milphey waved and they closed the basement door, leaving Carrot and Marron down there together.

"What kind of nerve do you have fighting me?" Carrot asked his little brother.

Marron reminded him, "You threw the first punch. When you pulled that stunt of faking your illness just so you could go to the opera with another girl, that was lower than low. You’ve hurt Chocolate terribly. She does not deserve to be treated that way. She loves you."

"I know." Carrot said. He stared at the floor. "I love her-just not the way she wants me to."

Marron was no longer angry, and he went to sit by Carrot. It was the first time they really talked about Carrot and Chocolate. Maybe now things would be out in the open.

"I can’t pretend to have romantic feelings for her. I can’t make myself love her even though she wants me to. It drives me crazy."

"You must do something, brother."

"Maybe I won’t have to." Carrot gave Marron a big smile. "You two are getting pretty close."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"No? You must have some pretty serious feelings if you want to beat the holy crap out of me. Besides, at the opera house she asked me why I couldn’t be more like you."

"She did?" Marron thought. Then he laughed about the fight. "You had it coming."

"I did, huh?"

Then Milphey stepped in. "Well, you’re both alive. That’s a good sign. Now make amends."

Marron addressed Carrot. "The one you should be making amends with is Chocolate."


Carrot walked out onto the balcony where he told Chocolate to meet him. Chocolate was there on time and Carrot let out the deep breath he had been holding. Carrot held out the carnation he had purchased to Choclate, who took it reluctantly. "I know what I did was wrong. I am a creep. There are no excuses for lying to you like that."

"it’s all right, Carrot. I understand."

Carrot suddenly realized something. "Wait a minute. You didn’t call me Darling. You haven’t called me that since the opera house. Chocolate?" Carrot was filled with fear then. The fear of losing one of his best friends and the affection of a very special lady.

"That’s right, Carrot. I’ve finally realized that no matter how much I pretend or how much I try we are just not meant to be together. I thought you were all I wanted in a man, but I don’t think so anymore. I don’t blame you. In a way, I am the cause for you escaping tonight. I’ve kept you trapped where you cannot even look at another girl. You must hate me."

"No, Chocolate. I don’t hate you. Far from it."

"I’m glad. You have a good heart, Carrot. I hope the woman you choose to give it to appreciates it." Chocolate left the balcony then, leaving Carrot behind. Chocolate walked into the kitchen where Marron was making himself a sandwich.

"Hello, Chocolate. Is everything all right?"

"Yes, Darling. Everything is fine."