TwEeThUmBs' WeB cOrNeR
W E L C O M E  TO  MY  C O R N E R!
TwEeThUmBs' BlOgSiTe
"Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Everytime you conquer one, it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves."

~Dale Carnegie
A wannabe journalist, wannabe International Flight Attendant and wannabe Lawyer who ended up as an overworked but underpaid employee and a dedicated wife to Dr. MGS.
Books are my weakness.  Whenever I start reading one, I simply can't  put it down until I finish it. I just love to read.
I also like to travel, most especially to places that I have read so much about. Having said that, It makes the places much more interesting to visit.
My Inspirations
Links that TwEeThUmBs Visits Frequently

Ambibo /
Ate Sienna / Balikbayan Box / Bar Matters / Dipolognon / Feng Shui / Filipino Cooking
How Stuff Works / Justice / Meaning Of Dreams / MgA kWeNtOnG tAmBaY
Peepai / Paruparong Bukid / Phil. Embassy Berlin / Philippine Inquirer / Prada Mama
Rice Bowl Journals / Suplada Blogs / SuSmArIoSeP! / Tiptoes World