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Only Paranoids Survive

Welcome to the club of wonderers (Brain Wanderers).

For those who need SOS in their wake-up calls.

Stand up and be counted,
Men like you cannot be discounted!
Get going and aim the skies,
Where else your destiny lies?

Time should tell what was wise,
Was it worthless, or the biggest prize!

They could have got everything to the fullest;
Could have been greater than the greatest!
Sorry they thought it to be the foolest,
'What a waste' , was actually the best!!!

It's not only about materialistic gains,
But also the feelings in the truer sense!

I agree it was stupid,
But what else is this cupid?

How was I different from the bunch?
They could have tried their hunch!

Without hearing a thing, without uttering a word,
Why the conclusion did I derive?
You are right! But it's a bad bad world,
And here only the "Paranoids Survive"!!!

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