Updated 5/2/02
Following is my response to Williams' latest rant. It is basically still in rough-draft form, so I plan to make corrections/amendments as needed. There are still a few typos and some rough phraseology, but the reality of the situation shines through.
Williams last reply is in blue. My new responses in black, normal text. Any quoting from previous exchanges will be in italics, with the author's name preceeding it.
On to the first part of my most recent rebuttal:

Following is my reply to Scott Page's response to my first rebuttal. My comments are in blue. It is a fairly long rebuttal. At the end of this rebuttal I summarize my arguments and Dr Page's errors.  
Page: Creationist Fred Williams, author of what he has referred to as a “saterical” [sic] website mocking evolution , is an electrical engineer with McData Systems.  He has no education, training, or research experience in the biological sciences.
  Dr Page spends quite a bit of energy in his reply focusing on my “lack of training” in “the biological sciences”.

Gross exaggeration. Indeed, I mention Williams' lack of education, training, and experience in the biological sciences only twice – three times if we consider mentioning “fellow non-specialists.” That hardly constitutes “quite a bit of energy.” Of course, I think that this information is important for the objective reader to have access to. Having a grounding in the fields under discussion certainly allows the participant to have a fuller grasp on the material. Gone are the days when interested laymen can make substantive contributions to nearly any field in the technical sciences. I have archived discussion board threads in which Williams has confused basic terminology (e.g., Williams used the terms “functional” and “genic” interchangeably for some time, despite my informing him that such usage is incorrect. As is his usual response to such information, he derided me and claimed that “informed evos” know that the two are the same. It was not until several months later that he finally started using the terms correctly.) and used this confusion as a basis for an argument. The most logical explanation for this is a lack of background knowledge. It is important.
I have never claimed to be an “expert” in “the biological sciences”, but I have read a wealth of material on the subject (particularly genetics) and am quite capable of identifying obvious inconsistencies with evolution.
“I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV”… I have read a 'wealth of material' on space travel, does that make me an astronaut? I wonder what this 'wealth of material' consists of. If Williams' past writings on these topics are examples, it appears that the bulk of this 'wealth' is creationist books also written by individuals lacking an appropriate education.
I should note that Dr Page has admitted to me in the past that population genetics is not his area of expertise (you'll soon see this is the case, in glaring fashion), yet he insists on making a formal education on the topic an issue. He also is guilty of applying a double-standard, since in the past he has referenced evolutionist Robert Williams' page on Haldane's Dilemma. Robert Williams also does not have a degree in genetics or biology, yet this didn't stop Dr. Page from referencing his work. Finally, I should remind Page that Charles Lyell, 1800s champion of uniformitarianism, did not have formal training in geology, nor did Darwin in biology. 
I should remind Williams that Lyell and Darwin lived some 120+ years ago. This was when most institutes of higher learning still operated on the apprenticeship system. This was when one could become a world-renowned expert by simply describing some type of epithelial tissue. Mentioning Lyell and Darwin to rescue his own lack of formal education on these topics is flawed at best. As for my application of a double-standard, I find that most amusing. Robert Williams is not a professional biologist or geneticist, this is true. However, his web site does not contain essays with which Williams (Robert) claims to have 'disproved' this or that, other than to point out the errors in another non-specialist's (ReMine) rants on the topic.
  Dr Page's objection regarding my level of education and training should be a good early indication to the reader that he was unable to answer my rebuttal effectively, as we shall soon see. Otherwise there would be no need to resort to such rhetoric. Also, I did not misspell “saterical” [sic] as he implies.
In reality, I only pointed out Williams' lack of relevant education to let the reader know that the source of the anti-evolution rhetoric was speaking not from knowledge and experience, but from ideology and dogma. I documented your misrepresentations and provided sound refutations of your spurious claims. What I find most interesting is the frequent repetition from Williams of his claims to have 'won' this debate. As for 'saterical', Williams did indeed write this in a message to a woman in an email discussion group, in which he boasted of his 'expertise' in information theory (by virtue of designing communication systems) and invited her to check out his “saterical website”. Alas, I cannot find the post in question via Deja.com, so I will officially retract mention of it.
  Now to Dr. Page's rebuttal:
  Page: Haldane admitted that his conclusions would probably need “drastic revision” (“The cost of natural selection”. 1957.). Indeed – Haldane's estimates were made without the benefit of actual genetic data, unlike the Genetics* paper I cite . Numerous solutions to 'Haldane's dilemma' – and we should keep in mind that that this is a mathematical model - have been proposed, despite the fact that Haldane's model had several unrealistic constraints in it, none of which have met the personal, usually arbitrary standards of the various creationists that use 'Haldane's dilemma' as the crux of their anti-evolution arguments.
This particular debate is not on the merits of Haldane's argument.
Then the reader should wonder why you made such a big deal about it. Indeed, the opening paragraph (after the introductory gibberish) of your 'rebuttal' is explicitly about how my citations did not refute Haldane!
Dr Page seems to have completely missed this point. The debate is whether or not Page's citation "Positive and Negative Selection on the Human Genome"[1] is a refutation, or for that matter has anything to say, of Haldane's Dilemma.
And it does, albeit well after the fact. I will explain later.
I could concede all the points Page made above, and his original claim that the above citation rebuts Haldane's cost argument would still be wrong.
And I will show that Williams is simply engaging in hyperbole.
I will repeat the key point in my original rebuttal: The paper Page cited assumes that common decent between simians and humans is true, and arrives at its 10 generation fixation time based on this assumption.
Here is the first example of one of the tactics that Williams is famous for. Here again is Williams statement from above:

“The paper Page cited assumes that common decent between simians and humans is true.”

Here is what Williams wrote in his original rebuttal:

“The authors of the genetics study are arriving at their estimate of 10 generations by first assuming that man and ape share a common ancestor.”

[NOTE 1:This itself is curious since Williams had written the truth of the matter just a few sentences earlier: “The authors of the genetics study …analogous DNA sequences of old world monkeys.”]

[NOTE 2: Williams' use of the word “analogous” is incorrect. The loci investigated are homologous, not analogous. Fundamental errors such as this are a prime reason why one's background education is relevant, as mentioned above.]

Whats the big deal, you say? First, Williams refers to Old World monkeys as apes in his original rebuttal. I point out that Old World monkeys are not apes. Williams then re-writes his original 'challenge' and presents it as he did above, using the word 'simian' instead of ape.
Old World monkeys are, at least by laymen, considered to be simians. Williams has reworded his claim so as to prevent it from being rendered moot and shown to be inaccurate, and now bases his 'new' argument on this reformulated claim.
This fixation rate is in stark contrast to Haldane's calculation of 300 generations, so that's why Dr. Page cites this study. But Haldane's cost argument is a mathematical model that is not based on the assumption that simian/man ancestry (or any other form of large-scale evolution) is true.
Williams can re-write this as many times as he wants to, and it will still be bogus. Haldane assumed evolution when he formulated his model. If Haldane had simply set out to produce a purely mathematical model, devoid of evolutionary assumptions and constraints, as Williams suggests (insists?), then one should be curious as to why the formulae employed by Haldane contain a variable called the selection coefficient. For, what good is the concept of selection except in an evolutionary context?
You cannot compare the conclusions of a mathematical model void of assumptions of the validity of evolution, to the conclusions of a study that derives its numbers on the assumption that evolution is true! I suspect this is why Dr. Page's attempts to get the authors to support his claim were fruitless.
A few facts to consider:
  1. Haldane's model was shown to be in error (or at least easily overcome) shortly after he presented it, as I will show below. Williams is unaware of this because he gets all of his information on this topic from fellow creationist engineer Walter ReMine's book "The Biotic Message", which contains misquotes and interestingly cites only a single paper that proposed a solution to Haldane's 'dilemma, and then only to deride the author.
  2. Haldane's model, again, was premised explicitly on the assumption of evolution.
  3. Williams again falsely claims that I tried to get the authors of the papers to "help" me, despite the fact that I presented the verbatim message that I sent to Dr.Wu in which it is obvious that all I did was inform them that they were being accused of circular reasoning and such by a creationist. The reader should wonder why Williams continues to make this false claim.
Page: Famous mathematician Sir Fred Hoyle, in his book “The Mathematics of Evolution”, explains that “Haldane's so-called cost principle is an illusion." (p123).
  This is worth noting. Hoyle indeed made this claim in his book, but he didn't rely on circular reasoning in his argument! Hoyle used mathematics to argue against Haldane's mathematical model, which is a valid approach. I haven't had an opportunity to review Hoyle's argument in detail, though it's worth noting that evolutionist Maynard Smith was not convinced by Hoyle's argument (see Walter Remine's review of the book at Amazon.com) .
Why read ReMine's review? ReMine has a vested interest in keeping Haldane's dilamma alive – indeed, it is the bread and butter of his anti-evolution rhetoric! The primary reason that I mentioned Hoyle is that creationists love to cite his silly 'tornado in a junkyard' schtick about evolution. If they are going to heap accolades on him when using that quip, then they should – at least to retain the appearance of a lack of double standards – they should do the same when he writes that Haldane's dilemma is an illusion.
  Regardless, I want to stress again that at least Hoyle went about attacking the argument in a proper fashion. Whether or not Hoyle is right doesn't matter, it does not vindicate Dr. Page's use of faulty logic. Dr Page engaged in circular reasoning, which rendered his argument completely spurious.
Williams never did produce any substantial reasoning supportive of his claim about my use of “faulty logic.” I suspect that is because Williams does not understand the point of my original post to his guestbook, nor does he understand the substance of my refutation of his rebuttal. I cited the Genetics paper as recent data-based evidence that the rate of change is much faster than originally estimated by Haldane (1957). Williams expends a considerable amount of energy trying to convince the reader that 1. the authors engaged in circular reasoning (an assumption of common descent), and so 2. my citation of it and use of it is also circular and 'faulty logic.' Again, Williams sees no problem citing papers that do the same when it appears that the papers can be used to prop up his preferred version of reality.
  The Genetics paper I refer to does, as Williams indicates, 'estimate' the number, but again, unlike Haldane's estimates, these are inferred from analyses of actual data. This important fact is ignored by Williams.
  Again, I did not ignore this “important fact”. The Genetics study conclusions are indeed inferred from analyses of actual data. But this data is derived from the initial assumption that simians and humans share a common ancestor. It is circular to use the Genetics study conclusion to argue against a mathematical model that contradicts simian/human ancestry.
It is too bad that Williams has switched form his original claims about “humans and apes” to “humans and simians” without offering any explanation. The explanation is, of course, that I demonstrated that his original claim was bogus. Williams' continued claim that Haldane's model contradicts human/simian ancestry is most comical. He has not supported this claim at all, and I suspect that is because when he has attempted to do so in the past, he has had to rely upon – as does his source of information, ReMine – solely his personal opinion, which, of course, is no support at all. More on this later.
Page: I do not take this or any one paper to 'be a refutation of Haldane's dilemma.'  
Then why did you write: “According to an extrapolation of Haldane's 1957 paper, no more than 1667 fixed, beneficial mutations could accrue in the lineage leading to humans from an ape-like ancestor. 1667 is too few to account for this (unsupported assertion), therefore, humans must not have evolved at all. According to the first paper mentioned, the number is off - way off.” [emphasis mine]
The reason should be straight forward – the numbers deduced from actual data contradict Haldane's model. The first rebuttals to Haldane's model actually came out in the 1960's, but these were based on theoreticals, as was Haldane's. But I am glad that Williams quoted my original post – Williams' continued claims that Haldane's model contradicts human/ape ancestry is premised on his personal disbelief that 1667 fixed beneficial mutations can account for human evolution from an ape-like ancestor. Willaims has never been able to provide a shred of evidence that that position has merit. This is not surprising, since ReMine has never been able to, either. Indeed, when challenged on this, ReMine simply cut and pastes or paraphrases his book's rhetorical bit about 'making a sapien out of a simian'. (see appendix 1)
  Page: It also brings up a conundrum for Williams. In his other essays on the topic available on his web site, he uses publications that utilized evolutionary assumptions and models in their experimental methods. He usually concludes that evolution is impossible. If his conclusion is correct, then the conclusions of all such publications are moot, and Williams has no logical, scientific, or rational reason for using them – that is, if the evolution models are wrong, then so are the conclusions of the papers and they therefore cannot be used to support anything.
  I thought Dr Page understood this part of my argument, many others have (including Sumac, whom Page cited in his response). Re-read my article, particularly the conclusion. The only part of the evolutionist study I believe is flawed is the initial assumption that simians and humans share a common ancestry. The only other realistic possibilities are that their data gathering or posteriori mathematical analysis is flawed. But this is unlikely, especially since there have been several studies since then producing similar results.  
And yet you continue to use the conclusions of these papers to claim that evolution is impossible. If, as you claim, the initial assumptions are incorrect, then perhaps instead of using those papers in your various essays you should be producing articles – or better yet, some actual scientific research – that supports your claim.
Do I accept the conclusions of the studies, that the mutation rate is >3? No. The truth is we don't know what the rate is. What we do know is that any study that compares two species supposedly related by common ancestry, and produces a rate >3 is very likely flawed somewhere. Such a rate is way too high for a mammalian species to tolerate. The logical conclusion is that the problem lies in the study's core assumption that simian and man share a common ancestry. Remove this assumption, that is, stop comparing human DNA to simian DNA in an attempt to determine the mutation rate, and the problem goes away.
Ok, let's do this. One can assume that even creationists accept that common chimpanzees and bonobos are of the same 'kind' that is, they share an ancestry.

Using DNA sequence data from Common chimp and bonobo, we can see that they differ by about 0.8%. If we assume that this rate is consistent across the genome, then we should expect there to be a difference of about 24 million nucleotides, or 12 million per species. Williams has argued in the past that this number is off by some 20% due to polymorphism, so let us apply that here. That leaves us with 19.2 million differences.
Williams believes in a literal interpretation of the King James version of the bible, and so believes that all extant diversity is the result of hyperevolution after the Flood of Noah, which most creationists seem to put at about 2,500 –4,500 years ago. Let us go with the older date, 4,500 years ago.

Chimps have a generation time of around 10-15 years **, so this means that a maximum of about 450 generations have come and gone since the flood waters subsided. If we assume that the rate of evolution has been stochastically consistent over time, then we should expect an average of 42,600 nucleotide changes to become fixed in the chimp population, or about 21,300 in each lineage (chimp v. bonobo) in the allotted time – PER GENERATION.
Clearly, only a fraction of these changes would be of the beneficial variety, but we should consider that many deleterious mutations, especially the very deleterious ones, will have been removed via selection (I will ignore that for the sake of simplicity). Williams accepts ReMine's claim that non-beneficial changes actually require longer to reach fixation, and we will ignore that as well. Since Williams unquestioningly accepts Haldane's model, which puts a 'speed limit' on evolution of the fixation of 1 beneficial mutation per 300 generations, the chimp-bonobo descent from an original kind requires a fixation of some 21300 mutations per generation, or about 6.4 MILLION times faster than allowed by Haldane's model (if I did the math right).

When a similar argument was presented by me some time ago on an internet discussion board, Williams went through a series of hand-waves and self-described 'refutations' (which were groundless), and in the end claimed that this difference was most likely due to “non-random mutations” (aka 'directed mutation', stationary phase mutation', etc.).

Stationary phase mutations were first observed in the 1980's by Cairns (1980):
Nature 1980 Jul 10;286(5769):176-8
Efficiency of the adaptive response of Escherichia coli to alkylating agents.
Cairns J.

Others delved into the phenomenon and found many such examples in which it appeared that specific genes or regulatory elements were being mutated by environmental factors such that they allowed pre-existing genes to be turned on. Creationist physicist Lee Spetner pounced on this information (totally ignoring the references I will mention shortly) and proclaimed in his book “Not by Chance”(1997) that this mechanism is the mechanism of post-flood hyperevolution (in so many words) – the original 'kinds' had all this variety 'designed' into their genomes, and so when the environment warranted it, these 'kinds' could speciate. Williams and other creationists love this idea – they claim that it 'explains' the post-flood diversity AND it avoids the 'cost' issue. What a neat little package, eh?
Trouble is:

These early studies were flawed in that they had only examined the genes involved in their experimental conditions. Later studies, which examined larger portions of the genomes of the microbes involved, found that the phenomenon was not 'directed' to specific genes at all, but rather is a genome-wide hypermutation caused by oxidative stress:

Genome-wide hypermutation in a subpopulation of stationary-phase cells underlies recombination-dependent adaptive mutation.
Torkelson J, Harris RS, Lombardo MJ, Nagendran J, Thulin C, Rosenberg SM Department of Biochemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

Stationary-phase mutation in microbes can produce selected ('adaptive') mutants preferentially. In one system, this occurs via a distinct, recombination-dependent mechanism. Two points of controversy have surrounded these adaptive reversions of an Escherichia coli lac mutation. First, are the mutations directed preferentially to the selected gene in a Lamarckian manner? Second, is the adaptive mutation mechanism specific to the F plasmid replicon carrying lac?We report that lac adaptive mutations are associated with hypermutation in unselected genes, in all replicons in the cell. The associated mutations have a similar sequence spectrum to the adaptive reversions. Thus, the adaptive mutagenesis mechanism is not directed to the lac genes, in a Lamarckian manner, nor to the F' replicon carrying lac. Hypermutation was not found in non-revertants exposed to selection. Therefore, the genome-wide hypermutation underlying adaptive mutation occurs in a differentiated subpopulation. The existence of mutable subpopulations in non-growing cells is important in bacterial evolution and could be relevant to the somatic mutations that give rise to cancers in multicellular organisms.
"Researchers first noticed this happening in 1988 when John Cairns, then at Harvard University, showed that mutation rates in the bacterium Escherichia coli increased when the microbes needed to evolve new capabilities in order to survive changes in their environment. At the time, it seemed that only those genes directly involved with the adaptation changed, and this idea of adapative or directed evolution caused quite a stir.

But then last year, molecular geneticist Susan Rosenberg at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and her colleagues showed that mutation rates increase throughout the genome, although only in a subset of the population. Another group also found that more than just the relevant genes changed."

(How the Genome Readies Itself for Evolution, Elizabeth Pennisi, Science, vol 281, Number 5380, Issue of 21 Aug 1998, p1131-1134)
There are many more citation in the literature on this phenomenon – which has, by the way, NEVER been observed or inferred to occur in multicellular eukaryotes, much less been documented with actual empirical evidence. Despite this, creationists – such as Williams – continue to cling to this fantasy, claiming that it rescues their nonsensical 'creationary genetics'.
  For the record, I have never claimed these studies demonstrate evolution is impossible. I merely provide them as solid evidence that simians & humans do not share common ancestry.
And that is the crux of the creationist position – that humans are separate creations. It is fine with Williams that other organisms are related via descent – even apparently large scale evolution (ignoring for now Williams' other 'articles' claiming otherwise), which they need – otherwise, Noah's ark sinks.
What I do posit is impossible is for new information (particularly a “code”) to arise naturalistically. There are no known examples in man's history of this occurring. To originate information in a materialistic medium is as impossible as it is to create energy from scratch.
So sayeth the 'information theory expert.' This interesting position –which is absurd even on the face of it, is a topic for another time.
Page: There is no assumption – implicit or explicit – in the paper regarding the lineage leading to Homo splitting from the lineage leading to Pan. This is a complete fabrication. Indeed, the paper clearly states: “The divergence data are from 182 orthologous human and old world monkey genes (_183 kb). “
  It is beyond me why Page provided this sentence to defend his claim that no assumption on ancestry has been made to arrive at a substitution rate of 200 years per beneficial mutation. Dr Page is absolutely mistaken here. If I am wrong, then it seems it would be easy for Dr Page, who has corresponded with Dr Wu regarding our discussion, to get Dr Wu to back up Page's claim. I eagerly await his reply. This is at the very crux of our dispute.
Unlike Williams, who has been known to run off to ReMine whenever ReMine's claims are demolished on internet discussion boards, AGAIN, I asked for no help on anything, rather I just informed Wu that he was being accused of using 'circular reasoning' in his paper. Here is yet another example of Williams' attempts to re-write history. Williams ORIGINALLY:

“The authors of the genetics study are arriving at their estimate of 10 generations by first assuming that man and ape share a common ancestor.”

Such an assumption is not inherent in the Genetics paper at all, indeed, the only comparisons are between human and Old World monkey genes. Why would Dr.Wu say anything about it? Williams IS mistaken because the 'crux' of my dispute is that Williams switches terminology as it suits him, which confuses the debate. This is one of the many reasons that it is very difficult to discuss such issues with creationists.
As I already explained, Old World monkeys are NOT apes. I did not, as Williams erroneously claims, use the sentence above to try to claim that no assumptions of descent were made, rather, I used it to point out the error in Williams' claim.
  Let's look at an important passage from the study, emphasis mine. Particularly note the word “divergence”, which refers to the monkey/man split, and “positive selection” which is derived from the “divergence” data:   A common test for positive selection is a comparison of the A/S ratio of polymorphism and divergence (MCDONALD and KREITMAN 1991 ; SAWYER and HARTL 1992 ; TEMPLETON 1996 ). Since mutations under positive selection spread through a population quickly, they are not well represented in polymorphism but should have a cumulative effect on divergence. The A/S ratio from divergence is estimated from 182 orthologous human and old world monkey genes (Table 1). To avoid the confounding effects of deleterious mutations, which do not contribute to divergence but do make a significant contribution to polymorphism, the A/S ratio from divergence is compared to that of common SNPs (Table 1). The difference in the A/S ratio of common SNPs combined from both surveys compared to divergence is significant (2 = 8.14, P < 0.01) and can be explained by positive selection, assuming the average constraint on the divergence and polymorphism genes is the same.

  The large number of amino acid substitutions suggests a high rate of adaptive evolution in primates. The expected number of amino acid substitutions is 2382 (4151 x 70/122) based on the A/S ratio of common polymorphism and the excess is 1278. Therefore, a large proportion, 35%, of amino acid substitutions between humans and old world monkeys are estimated to have been driven by positive selection. Extrapolating this proportion to the total amount of coding DNA in the genome (5 x 107 bp) yields an estimate of up to 1 advantageous substitution every 200 years since humans separated from old world monkeys 30 million years ago (LI 1997 ).
  If Dr Wu has arrived at this substitution rate of 1 per 200 years without contrasting DNA between old-world monkeys and humans, as Dr Page is essentially saying, then Dr. Wu needs to re-write his study. But I suspect he will not need to re-write it, because he is indeed contrasting simian/human DNA, and hence assuming simian/man ancestry to arrive at this rate. Hopefully Dr Page now realizes this. I think that at this point, the reader can see that Williams is just trying to save his ego. I am duly impressed that Williams can cut and paste segments of the paper in question. However, once again, Williams purposely tries to bury his original claims (as happens frequently in creationist discussions) in a sea of quotation.

AGAIN, Williams' original claim, that I rebutted and that now Williams is desperately trying to deny, was that an assumption of human/ape ancestry was used in determining the degree of divergence. Yet as he actually quotes above, it was human and Old World monkey genes that were compared. Note that Williams is trying to put words in my mouth to save his position:

“If Dr Wu has arrived at this substitution rate of 1 per 200 years without contrasting DNA between old-world monkeys and humans, as Dr Page is essentially saying…”

I am not 'essentially saying' any such thing. I AM saying that a comparison of human and APE genes did not occur in the analyses used in the Genetics paper. Why Williams is having such a hard time with this, I am unsure.

Perhaps now Williams wioll actually be able to understand why I had trouble with what he had ORIGINALLY wrote.
  Page: Furthermore, I am at a complete loss as to why someone claiming to be knowledgeable in the sciences, as Williams does, would discard current data-based conclusions in favor of a nearly 50 year old estimate, premised on unrealistic assumptions (such a s a constant population size), made using observations of phenotypic variation in Peppered moths. The answer should be fairy obvious.
  The reason you are at a complete loss is because you have not understood my argument. I am discarding the current data-based conclusions of your first citation because using them to rebut Haldane's Dilemma is circular.
Well, that certainly makes your position easier to defend, doesn't it? Just discard your opponant's claim by conjuring up some unsupported nonsense.

You have basically made no argument TO understand. You continue to misunderstand/misrepresent Haldane's model to suit your needs.
Regarding Haldane's observation of peppered moths, he postulated that such intense selection likely was not common during the course of evolution (Haldane 1957, p 521). What you failed to realize is that this intense selection makes the cost problem FAR worse! Haldane estimated that n=43 for peppered moths, which yields a fitness of e-.7.  By using n=300, the fitness improves to e-.1. So if anything Haldane was ignoring his observation of phenotypic variation in Peppered moths because it made the cost problem worse! He punctuates the fact that a lower n reduces fitness by closing the pertinent paragraph with this example: "Whereas, for example, n=7.5 would reduce the fitness to e-4, or 0.02, which would hardly be compatible with survival." (Haldane 1957, p521).  
A couple of observations:
  1. I don't think Williams understands proper scientific quotation. Nearly every time he mentions Haldane's 1957 paper, he writes: Haldane 1957, p521 Granted, what is mentioned above is on p.521, but Williams has cited this page on an internet discussion board and what he was mentioning is not in any way mentioned on p.521. My intuition tells me that Williams is just putting a page number up to impress the reader.
  2. I have mentioned elsewhere that I committed an error of omission by not mentioning the other factors took into consideration when formulating his EVOLUTION PREMISED model.

** Primates in the wild have been observed exhibiting lower ages of sexual maturity and higher birth rates during times of stress. PART TWO
