Abuse and what it is and links to help


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New update in the Eplogue!!! Updated 12-29-08

I hope that the information in here will help you with what you need. I hope and pray that you will be able to heal from what was done to you and that you can live a happy life. Please visit the links that are in this site. They wil help.

What is your future like? Click here to know for sure where you are going.

There is so much that I can put in this site...this site will basically cover physical, emotional, molestation, neglect, domestic violence and rape. Children and adults can be affected in so many ways by these forms of abuse. It's sad that this site is here to begin with but, now that it is lets see what we can do to help others...OUR CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE!!!!!


What is child abuse? Here I will list several branches of it.

Physical abuse:  

Physical abuse is any physical force or action which results, or could result in non-accidental injury to a child: it exceeds that which could be considered reasonable discipline.

Children are beaten, kicked, punched, thrown, choked, smothered, burned, dropped and hit with objects--often in the name of "discipline." Many children die as a result of physical abuse. Parents/caregivers have both the right and the responsibility to discipline their children: they don't have the right to use excessive force.

Sexual Abuse: 

Where a child is used in a sexual way to please the abuser. 


  1. be subjected to pornographic materials or forced to watch sexual acts


  2. pose for seductive or sexual photographs


  3. forced to listen to sexual talk, obscene phone calls, intrusive sexual questions


  4. be observed in a sexual manner (voyeurism)

  1. touch someone or be touched in sexual areas


  2. be kissed and/or fondled in a sexual manner


  3. perform or submit to:
    • oral sex
    • vaginal or anal penetration by an object or finger
    • vaginal or anal intercourse
    • masturbate or be masturbated by the predator


Emotional Abuse:

Emotional Abuse is a pattern of destructive behavior and/or verbal attacks by an adult on a child's development of self-esteem.

Some examples include...

Responding to a child's need for love, affection and support in hurtful and destructive ways.
Examples include:



Causing a child to be terrified or extremely frightened by constant use of threats and/or intimidating behavior.
This type of abuse occurs when parents or caregivers:

  • bang cupboard doors, slam drawers, or break dishes on purpose in order to frighten the child
  • attempt to hit the child by throwing objects such as books, dishes, shoes, or toys
  • lock the child in a dark room or closet or outside at night
  • threaten to injure the child
  • kick in doors or smash furniture
  • beat another family member in the presence of the child
Failing to give any response to or interact with the child at all.
Examples include:
Shutting a child away from family members and friends.

This form of abuse includes:



Physical neglect is the failure of caregivers to provide for the child's basic needs: food, clothing, adequate shelter, supervision and medical care, to such an extent that the child's health, development and safety are threatened.


Physical Appearance

The neglected child tends to display the following physical appearances:

  • persistent hunger, underweight, or excessively overweight, poor diet.
  • dirtiness, skin diseases, body odor.
  • constant fatigue and listlessness, dark circles under the eyes, poor motor skills.
  • ragged, unclean, ill-fitting clothes (except current styles of dress).
  • dressed inappropriately for the weather.
  • children who are left alone or with inadequate care or supervision
  • failure to thrive (to grow and to develop in a normal manner).
  • unkempt appearance.
Neglected Child's Behaviors

Behaviors of the Parent/Caregiver

The Neglected child's parents may exhibit the following behaviors:



Here is a site that I would highly recommend for you to see also. childabuse.org


That site will give you some information for getting help with counseling, police and reporting your assault.  I suggest that you don't keep it a secret. Report it if you can...I know it's hard but, it's the best thing to do.