:> Breastfeeding A Robot <: Clique

Welcome to the first and unique Fanlisting dedicated to breastfeeding a robot! Breastfeeding is the best way to feed and cuddle up a baby... why not also a robot? Robots are cute, and soon they'll be also able to eat food (see Gastrobots, for example). But, feeding or not, breastfeeding can also be only a gesture of love and dedication, and so the "feeding" doesn't matter, because we women could breastfeed our robot also if it cannot eat and we have no milk... We could only want to give our little robotic treasure our motherly love... and that's all.
So, welcome to this unique clique! It is for women, but also men who respect and accept this new idea can join.

Thanks and enjoy!

**NOTE**: Please, read the rules before joining!

>>> Ilila Lalla

:> Updates <:

27/02/2005 - 1 member added
23/02/2005 - Breastfeeding A Robot Fanlisting finally online! :D