Jessica's Weekly Movie/Book Review

Well...whenever the hell Jessica feels like talking about Movies and Books Movie/Book Review

Well, I'm going to tell you a secret. Come close now, your about to recieve important secret information. I WATCH ALOT OF MOVIES AND READ ALOT OF BOOKS!


Yes, I know it must come as quite a shock. In light of these facts, I have decided to share my information oh which books and Movies suck ass and which rock.


subject to change of course

1.The Little Mermaid (oh come on now - you know that movie rocked!)

2. The Patriot

3. Ferris Bueller's Day Off

4. The Green Mile

5. Clue

6. Armageddon

7. Matrix

8. Bio-Dome


10.Return to Me


subject to change

1. The Princess Bride

2. It

3. The Stand

4. Jane Eyre

5. The Lion, Witch, and The Wardobe

6. And Then they were None

7. Hearts in Atlantis

8. 1984

9.The Long Walk

10. The Only Alien on The Planet

Ok to reviews now.

BOOKS It's been a Stephen King Month. I read It. It was fucking great. It's kinda long, but you CAN'T PUT IT DOWN. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE. It's like 1100 pages, I read it in four days. It's better than the movie, which scared the hell out of me when I was seven. IT's about this scary clown, whcih only portrays a clown, but really is an evil being, that kills children adn seven kids that beat it once come back 25 years to kill it once and for all. It is SO good. IT earned number two on my list of greta books and thats impressive


I also recently finished THE STAND by Stephen King Once More. It is at # 3 on my great books list. Thast not easy to do, my friend. This, once again is about 1100 pages, but I read it in 7 days, (hey, I had HFS). It is magnificent!!!! I swear it is! This book is about a "superflu" that was accidently released into the population by an accident in a governmental experimental lab. It killed billions of people. SO contagious you only have to be in teh same room with them, it infects the Country and some of the world in a week. At first it is a governmental conspiracy, they try to pretend it isn't fatal or that bad. They put guns to newscasters heads to say what they want, but soon ahhhhhh, teh american rebels break through, and let teh word out. PANIC. but who cares? 94% of the world is dead. an elite few thousand are immune. The rest of teh story tells of their trials and of a "dark man" which trys to take over the rest of the world. he has pyschic powers and can see evryone that has survived and tries to like kill everyone...and I don't want to give it too much away....but READ IT!!!


I saw A Knight's Tale with Sean, Rikki, Lauren, and Isaac. It was cool. I liked it. They fought and Heath ledger is hot. It had modern music. THat was kinda weird. But overall, it was okay. I had fun, the company helped thouh, I'm sure.

I saw Pearl Harbor last friday. It was really good. I cried. Isaac comforted me though. ben Aflleck is hot. So is Josh Harnett. The girl is okay too. It had really good special effects and stuff though. It ROCKED. I'm not giving it away at all though. But go see it.

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