I dreamed that I was at my Aunt Pam's house and I was sitting on her porch when a little boy with blond hair walked by. I ran over to him. He was about 3 years old. I brought him into my aunt's house, picked him up, and carried him around with me.

His mother came to the door and said that it was time for him to go home. I almost cried. For some reason, I had become really attached to him. I didn't want to let him go. His name was Eric. He had an older sister with straight dark brown hair.

After that, I went to a wedding. I saw Eric, his sister, and his mother there. I ran over to Eric, picked him up, and just held him. I felt so much love for that child. I don't understand it.

Eric's mother told me that it was time for them to leave. I did cry then. I asked Eric's mother if I could please babysit Eric sometime. She remained silent. I said, "Please...when I come over to my Aunt Pam's house, can I please babysit Eric?" She finally nodded.

Eric and his sister went outside to the car. I was crying and I was suddenly all alone in the room where the wedding had been held. I had on a white bridesmaid dress and I was holding a bouquet of white roses.

Suddenly, Eric came running back into the room and he ran right into my arms. I was crying tears of joy then. I cannot describe the love that I felt for that boy. It was...so intense and so pure that it left me feeling like that the whole day when I woke up.

Eric's mother came into the room and she called for Eric. I put Eric down and he walked out of the room. I cried some more and then I got into a white limousine that took me to a second wedding. When I got out of the limousine, the bride was standing right in front of me.

She said, "I am the prettiest one at the wedding!" When she saw me, she said, "Oh no!!!! I will never be as pretty as you!!!!!!!!! Although...I am the second prettiest at the wedding..." She smiled then and went into the building.

For some reason, her wedding was held inside of Toys R Us...weird. For some reason, I was a bridesmaid but I wasn't in the wedding...I was just part of the audience.

I kept getting this strange thought, "She's the Ice Princess." I kept dismissing the weird thought and it kept on presenting itself again. I didn't understand what it meant.

Then suddenly, another thought came, "She's the enemy." I looked at the bride and I thought, "The enemy?" She didn't look evil. I dismissed the thoughts.

Then, suddenly, a very powerful thought announced, "DESTROY HER!!!!!" I had trouble dismissing that thought. It was so powerful. What did it mean?

I suddenly saw Eric! I ran to him, picked him up, and carried him to my seat. Eric was happy. He was mumbling in his cute little voice. He was just talking about nothing really. He was just pointing at things and saying, "Pretty." I was smiling and I was so happy!

I looked at the bride and suddenly, she wasn't so sweet anymore. She was transforming! I stared in horror. She had transformed into the Ice Princess. She had silver hair that was put up on top of her head. Her complexion was a strange bluish-white. Her eyes were the color of frost and her lips were blue. She had a silver crown on her head and she had on a silver dress that came just below her knees. It had silver fringe on the bottom of it and she was wearing silver high heels. She also had on silver gloves that came up to her elbows.

She cackled evilly. She stared straight at me and said, "Hello, Sailor June Princess. I knew you would come. I will be the prettiest girl at this wedding once you are dead. Good-bye June!!!!!!!!!" Then she cackled again.

She closed her eyes and I noticed that her eyebrows and eyelashes had frost on them. I saw a microphone appear in her hand. It was silver with frost on it. The microphone's silver sphere was covered with icicles that looked so sharp that I could almost feel their points stabbing me. The Ice Princess cackled and started swinging the microphone by its cord!! She ran over to me while swinging the microphone!

I jumped up with Eric in my arms. I put him down and told him to run. He did and I transformed into Super Sailor June Princess.

I said, "June Princess Light Blaster!!!"

A laser-like beam shot out of my Time Mirror and it killed the Ice Princess.

I returned to my normal self and searched for Eric. I found him and I picked him up and hugged him. Then, I woke up. Who was Eric?

-*Sailor June Princess*


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