Delia (the leader of the Winter Senshi) is walking through a park when she sees a beautiful girl sitting on a bench. Delia walks up to the girl and asks for her name. The beautiful girl answers, "My name is Emily."

Delia thinks to herself, "Could this be her? No impossible! They said she had blue hair and she has eyes the color of lilac...but, maybe when she I should not bother her. She'll think I'm crazy. Maybe I should look at the ancient scroll to find out":

"Sailor Snowball Protector Of The Universe

To find this mysterious senshi don't look in hill, valley, or cave. You will find her at a place where the children laugh and sing and play. She has a head of blue and will be easy to spot."

Delia (we shall now call her Snow Angel) decided to take Emily to her home. "Emily, I have a question for you."

"Yes?" Emily answered.

"Have you had any strange dreams about a girl in blue?"

"Why yes I have. I had one just last night!" "She is the one," thought Ice Angel.

Ice Angel gave Emily a staff. "Point this at the sky and say, 'Snow Power Transform'!" Guess what? A girl with a head of blue hair was standing right in front of Ice Angel. "You are Sailor Snowball, one of the Winter Senshi, guardian of Sailor Ice Freeze." Now Emily didn't catch one bit of this and then suddenly she remembered her past & future. She was to live as Emily, Sailor Snowball for the rest of her life and protect the Universe as her mother, grandmother, great grandmother, etcetera, did. Emily was about to leave when Ice Angel said, "Wait! Don't you want to know your power?" Emily stopped and listened. "Your power is Snowball Winter Rage. What this will do is show the bad guys their past (all bad guys are good before they are evil) and they will see so much goodness that they will explode right in front of your face. It's not a pretty sight but it keeps them from taking over." Ice Angel said that she should keep in touch with her every day to go through basic training until her first battle. After she was trained she was to go to Jennifer's house to meet Sailor Ice Freeze (she doesn't know this but Sailor Ice Freeze is only 6 and she's 14 so she expects a girl about 10 years old). Emily goes to Sailor Ice Freeze's house to meet her.

When Emily got to the door she hesitated to knock. She didn't know what Sailor Ice Freeze would be like. Then she knocked on the door. A little kid answered and said, "You must be Sailor Snowball. Ice Angel told me you were coming. I'm Sailor Ice Freeze, the one that you are the guardian of. Maybe I should tell you about myself. I am six years old, I live with Sailor Icicle, my attack is Ice Maiden Attack, and my name is Jennifer, but you can call me Jenny." Emily was amazed at how much Jenny already knew because Emily knew that Jenny could go on and on and on. Emily and Jenny decided to go out for a walk. On the way they saw a barticulum (a sun monster) destroying the city. "Snow Power Transform!" could be heard, followed by "Ice Power Transform!" In front of the city now stood Sailor Snowball and Sailor Ice Freeze. The barticulum looked up to see what everybody was staring at. Then, he saw Sailor Snowball and Sailor Ice Freeze. "Snowball Winter Rage!" The monster saw its past and exploded. Everyone starting crowding around Sailor Snowball. She slipped away into the park and turned back into Emily. Jenny was with her and she said, "Wow! Have you done this before?"

"No", was the reply.

Jenny thought it was so cool to win the first time they had encountered an enemy without bringing the other senshi into it. Then she brought her thoughts back to the present and said, "That was pretty cool!"

"Thanks." Emily sat there on the bench wondering how and why she was who she was.

-Sailor Snowball


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