I don't really remember what happened in my dream. I just remember what I was feeling. I know it started out with me being in my sailor form surrounded by other senshi although I don't remember who they were, except that one of them had blond hair. I remember I was so happy to be there (wherever I was) with all the others around me. The dream went on for awhile and I know stuff happened, but I can't remember it. I knew what was going on then and I was feeling really happy. I knew it was a dream and I remember thinking, "I've got to remember this dream," so I was trying to remember everything that was happening.

Then all the other senshi and the ground (I remember I was standing on grass) started to melt away, like a painting with water spilled on it. As everything was melting I was detransforming but really slowly. I was trying really hard to remember everything, but I could feel myself forgetting, almost like something was taking away my memories. Then I could feel that I was going to wake up and I thought, "I can't wake up yet! I have to remember!" I woke up anyway and couldn't recall anything that had happened during the dream. It was like something had deliberately taken the memories away, but why?

-Sailor Unicorn


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