My dream takes place when Serena and Darien are trapped in the elevator (1st season) and are going to meet Jedite and get the other rainbow crystals. Anyway, I happen to be Sailor Mars and I round up the others and blast our way to the top. We get there in time to see Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask fighting against the Negaverse general and I see she's going in for a sneak attack.

I yell out to the others to watch out and at the same time I do a Mars Fire Ignite. I get a direct hit as Jedite fades in behind Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. She turns around, really angry, and prepares to make another attack. Jupiter comes in and pushes me down as Sailor Mercury uses her attack to make the whole place go foggy.

I get up and just in front of me Jedite is going to go for the fatal blow on Tuxedo Mask (when Sailor Moon turns into the princess and she's holding him). I don't know it but at the same time I do, that I'm yelling for him to move. I hurl myself in front of him, counteracting Jedite's attack. Then everything goes into a flash of blinding white light and then darkness. I can only remember my heart beating at 90 miles per hour, and thinking that I just saved Tuxedo Mask. I know that everything will work out for my princess and her prince.

Then, I snap my eyes open while still lying in bed, afraid to move in case I'm still dreaming. My heart is thundering in my ears as I steady my breathing and go back to sleep, thinking how cool it was that I was fighting with the Sailor Scouts. It was weird that I was Sailor Mars because I always thought myself more like Sailor Jupiter. Oh well, I was a Sailor Scout!!! Why should I complain? Thanks for reading! And please, PLEASE don't laugh.



You are listening to "Princess Mars" (from the SMSS video game for SNES).
