I dreamed that one of my friends was living in an apartment building in a bad part of town. She wasn't at home and neither were her parents. It was late at night and I was scared. I went into her apartment as Sailor June Princess! I can't recall exactly what I was doing there. I think I was trying to find her parents to tell them that she had been captured or something like that. Someone grabbed me from behind and tied me up and I remember trying to scream, but I couldn't.

Then, the dream changed and I felt like I was watching everything from far away and yet I was so close to everything. I felt detached from everything I was seeing. I saw Tuxedo Knight. He walked right by me like he didn't know I was there. I can still see so vividly how the sun was making the natural highlights of his hair almost sparkle...and how his cape fluttered ever so slightly as he walked past me. He didn't have his mask or his hat. He never saw me! I tried to turn to watch him but I found that I couldn't turn my head!

I suddenly didn't feel detached from everything anymore. I could turn my head again. I looked in the direction that he had gone but he was nowhere to be seen. Someone had me chained up and I was still Sailor June Princess. I realized with a shock that there was a crowd of people (mostly men) watching me! I realized that I was being auctioned off to the highest bidder and that the men in the crowd were bidding on me! I scanned the crowd looking for Tuxedo Knight but I couldn't see him anywhere.

The sun was very hot and very bright and I realized that I was in a very sandy place. It looked like a desert! The wind started blowing really hard and it made the sand get in my eyes and I started to cry. I don't know if it was because I was upset or because of the sand. Maybe both. My skirt was blowing like a flag in the wind and my hair was too. I didn't have my Time Mirror. I don't know what happened to it! I didn't have it at all during the whole dream!

A yellow and black monarch butterfly with very intelligent black eyes began to flitter around me. The butterfly suddenly started talking to me and it sounded like Tuxedo Knight! I nearly had a heart attack! Come on. You're in a dream and a butterfly starts talking to you and it sounds like someone you know. That's pretty freaky. Now that I think about it...it wasn't that odd. I had almost forgotten that Princess Fireball/Kakyuu has a butterfly form. Well, Tuxedo Knight/the butterfly was telling me that he was going to save me and to stop looking so frightened or else someone might get suspicious that he wasn't really a butterfly. He also told me not to talk to him because people would think I was crazy. He said that he wasn't really talking to me...that I was just hearing his thoughts and that he could hear my thoughts too. He said that we could communicate like that as long as he was in butterfly form. That's when I woke up.

-*Sailor June Princess*


You are listening to "Enchantment" (not from Sailor Moon).
