I dreamed that I was in History class and I was typing something on the computer. The class had to type about what we wanted to do for a career in the future. My friend, Sabrina, was sitting on my left. The guy I would later come to know as Tuxedo Knight suddenly appeared there in the room wearing both the mask and the top hat. He was right behind me. He placed his gloved hands on the back of my chair and leaned forward slightly as though he was reading what was on the computer screen. I was worried that people were going to see him there dressed like that and wonder why he was standing behind my chair. I don't know if anyone could have seen him if they had looked in his direction though.

Then, he somehow transferred a word to me only through thought. The word was "Glenn" but I could not understand what the word was about or why he wanted me to know it. I got a vague sense of the word's importance though. It had something to do with him but I could not quite make out what it was. Then, he disappeared with a strange wavering motion. That's when I woke up.

-*Sailor June Princess*


You are listening to "The Promise" (not from Sailor Moon).
