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Drew Carey Show Q/A Session Page #2

Now what's he yelling about?!?


Whoa!  A little Ryan and a big Ryan!  


They were talking about the 'Dog and Pony Show' episode.  (The one where they strip)


Of course poor Ryan was embarrassed, heehee


Drew explaining something about something. 


My favorite picture of all!!!  No need to clarify why.  =)  No, he wasn't just posing for a picture for me, although that would have been nice, he was smiling for a publicity photo, but because of the glasses, I can just pretend he was... ;o)


After they had to take boats over to this blocked off dock place on the other side.  I don't know who all those other people are. 


Go Back to the Picture Page, or Visit the other trip pics:

| Park Pics | WLiiA? Live #1 | WLiiA? Live #2 |

| DCS Q/A Session #1 | DCS Q/A Session #2 | Raleigh Studios |