Ragpickers and street young people are not unusual in Chennai city. Through a survey, we find approximately 25,000 of these socially abused young people inhabiting alleys, pavements and digging into the garbage dumps. They have been driven to this unwholesome way of life, either due to broken homes or due to the viciousness of a foster-parent. They leave their homes in a bid to become self-sufficient.


Our aim is to rehabilitate at least 20 ragpickers a year, build their self-image and help them to be self-reliant. To provide nutritious food and give lessons in hygienic living so that they can have a healthy strong body. We teach them to be self-reliant and to lead a life of dignity.


 Basic education is provided in areas such as math, English, Tamil, and general knowledge. Training in basic vocational skills like electrical work, tailoring, carpentry and cooking  are also a part of the program.

Below: Boys at the Carpentry unit with Charles the staff in-charge

The Centre has been functioning since 1996 and 126 boys have already been rehabilitated.
Some have reconciled with their families and have returned home to help their parents financially.



These are just some of the boys who are in the home at present........


       We have 21 boys at the project



     Shabir                   Thangaraj                     Basha

Suresh              David             Ismael 



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