InNer iSLaM

What is Islam ?

Developing your Inner Self

Heaven and Hell


Shaytan [Satan]


10 Things We Waste



















Islam-The Light

Not Just A Religion

The Most Beautiful Way of Life


Last Updated: Wednesday, January 30th [2002]

Excellent Islamic Essays and Articles-[click here]

The Qur'an- [click here]

"O my servants who have wronged themselves, never despair of the mercy of Allah - for truly He forgives all sins. He is the Forgiving, the Merciful."

[al-Qur'an 39:53]

Latest Additions :   How One Becomes Muslim-new!! [1/30/02] 

The Bidaa and wrong in celebrating the Prophet's birthday-new!! [1/30/02]

               Following the Footsteps of a Beautiful Man [article] 

Note: Throughout this page, many ayahs [verses] from the Qur'an are given. However, make note that these ayahs are merely translated. The Qur'an is the direct word of God in the Arabic language.


Please correct me, ask questions, and give me suggestions

"O Lord, increase me in knowledge"

This website was made with the Intention of Pleasing Allah (SWT) *All sources are listed at the end of each page that needed them. I did my best to make sure that Everything was legit. Please correct me If something on here is incorrect. Wa'llahu A3lam. JazakumAllahu khairan

Peace and Mercy of Allah Be unto you


Muslim's Personality

Who Your Friends are..

Husband & Wife

The Believers

Prophet Muhammad (SAWS)

Companions of the Prophet

The Ottoman Empire