
This is the newest release from this Swedish band. Before this album I didn't know them. I got to know them because of Jesper Stromblad who was in Hammerfall (as drummer). My friend told me he was in In Flames as a guitarist, so I decided it was a good bet to check it out. So I bought it and found it to be fuckin' awesome. The style is pretty much like Hammerfall's but the riffs are more agressive though, with black metal vocals(ex-Dark Tranquility's Anders Friden) and no ballads. My favorite songs from Colony are : Coerced Coexistence, Embody the Invisible, Scorn, and Insipid 2000. If you don't know this band and you like melodic death metal it's worth it to check it out.

Check out my gig review of their latest show in Montreal 16/11/99

Gig Reviews