

-Personal Information-

Age: 18

Race: Unknown

Money: 500 Z

-Star Guardian and Princess to the land of Xanith

Family/Maritial Status:
Darkness- Fiance

AIM Screen Name: SorceressMalaris


History: Unknown


-Battle Information- 


Power Level (PL): 61,000
Hit Points (HP): 122,000
Ki Energy (KI): 61,000
Telekinetic Energy (TEK): None
Magical Energy [Light] (MP): 30,500
Elemental Energy [Earth] (ELE): 61,000
Telepathic Energy (TEL): None
Strength (STR): 61,000
Speed (SPD): 61,000
Defense (DEF): 61,000
Magic Defense (MDEF): 30,500
Telepathic Defense (TDEF): 610

Abilities/Special Skills:
Makes plants grow by call
Expert Healer
Some Magic

Normal - Platinum blonde hair with soft blue eyes in a white gown. Angel like wings. Stats x2
Super Saiyan Type - Black haired woman with dark mystifing green eyes and a white gown. Angel like wings. Stats x4

Weapon of Choice: Darkness's sword give to her by Darkness himself.


-Eternal Moon Light - heals any being that is near death.

-Amulet of Life - brings back a being to life after a short occuance
of death. (user is temperarily unconcsious after use.)

-Darkness's Sword - Sword given to by darkness.
-Amulet - Hung around neck and seems to act when the user is in mortal peril. Given to by mother in which is still not certain.