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Fans began to arrive for the 19th annual Neil Diamond Birthday Party on Thursday, January 20, 2005, assuming that allowing an extra day for travel  would allow more time for rest.  WRONG!!!  Instead, they began partying a day early.

Wayne and Eydie

Tom and Rev Bob


Tom Sadge, Neil Diamond tribute artist and official entertainer for the party, also arrived on Thursday.  Tom was allowed to perform in the hotel bar area on Thursday evening and was so well received, that he performed into the wee hours of the morning.


Tom Sadge


Patti Brennan & Kevin Plebanski


Judi Fredericks,Kirk Fellabom,Gail Kops


Soma &Marina Simon


Tom gives the mike to Kirk Fellabom for "You're So Sweet"


Tom sings Happy Birthday Sweet "?" to Joan Tom's son, Fred, and Kerri Trapp Judi Fredericks & Donna Trapp "Sweet Caroline"

Photos courtesy Brenda Skinner

MWC 2005
Joan Nurczyk and Anne Fortin