Dreams and Time

by Maharet

part 2

"Hi Kao-kun, how's he??" said Shinya softly afraid to wake the bassist who was
resting in the next room.

"I think he's really ill..He was saying some weird stuffs you know..abt
somebody who wanted to hurt him, it was really strange, the way he looked so
scared.I just hope he's better now, he has been asleep since the morning."

"Don't worry it must be just the fever" said the drumer trying to comfort his

"I know, i know it's just that i'm worried abt his mind health..cause the
fever's so high, it's really dangerous for him..i need to lower it"

Kaoru rest his head in the couch tired..

He could feel how tense all his muscle were. It was going to be a long night.

"Kao-kun.what did ya wanna talk to me abt??"

"Umph??" he looked at the younger man stranged abt the question..

What was that he had to talk with shinya..

"You told me yesterday, that you needed to talk to me abt something important"

"I'm sorry, that's right..i almost forgot abt it" said kaoru serious looking
straightly into the drumer's beautiful eyes.

Why does it have to be everything so complicated.

i'm tired can't you guys see??

I'm a human too, i have worries and troubles just like all of you.

He took a deep breath.

"Die told me what happened the other night" said kaoru searching for the
drumer's reaction at his words.

"That brat!! It's my business kao-kun, my own damned business, none of you
can.." said the drumer really serious too, his eyes like ice.

"I know. i know, just listen to me, ok?" said kaoru smiling.

So tired...

Shinya nodded softly.

" I know it's your own business.but Die was so worried Shin-chan..you're just
not like that."

" i'm not like what?? It's so strange then that somebody likes me, i can have
fun too you know" said the beautiful man sadly.

"It's not like that!!!You're getting everything wrong. It's just that shin-chan
you never did this kind of things before, damn!! You didn't even knew this
guy!!!!" said kaoru feeling irritated shaking the drumer a bit.

"I don't understand why Die-kun's doing such a big deal of this!!! After all he
was having so much fun as i!!!!" said the younger man with his beautiful face
full of angry.

So that's it.

"I left them, it was the right thing to do.

he and kyo were having so much fun, and i was.i was just..."

"It's ok Shin-chan, listen to me now. Please understand, they wanted you there,
that's why they invited you, Die always says that he wanna spend more time with
you, but that you're always so distant, and it's true"

"No kao-kun.you're the one who can't see it clearly" said shinya, his eyes
filled with tears.

" That was it?? Shin-chan we've been friends for so many time ne? So i gonna go
right to the point here.

You love Die.i know that cause you've been crying on my shoulder for that cause
since we know eachother, and i think that there's no secrets in our friendship.

So if you love Die then why the fuck you left him there and went to your
apartment to have just one night stand with another guy that you didn't even

This was getting hard.

Shinya was his best friend, but in times like this he couldn't understand the
petite man sitting in front of him.

Finally shinya spoke, sadly, bitterly, tears in his cheeks and chaking voice.

"I love Die, that's right.I've loved him since the first time i saw him and
after all this years that hasn't changed at all, my feelings for him are even
more stronger now than back then.

Even if the only thing that he do is tease me the whole day, laughing at me for
every single thing i do or say.

And i see him with his boys and girls, flirting..having fun.

I hate it!!!!!it really hurts.

So then he called me one night and asked me to meet him in some bar i hoped
deep inside that for once it was going to be different, but then he and Kyo
made some weird alliance and both teased me all night...making me their
personal clown.

I've never had such a bad time in my life, i felt mizerable, worthless.

And then this gorgeous and incredible sexy guy asked me to dance with him.it
was my salvation, my only escape from the awful situation i was, so i almost
jumped into his arms.

and then i realized that my 'salvation' was absually the coolest guy, smart,
sexy, funny, interesting, gorgeous and talented.

and that he's really interested in my."

"So at least the guy was cool??" asked kaoru interested.

"He's gorgeous, you can't imagine how wonderfull he's."

"And you slept with him??" Kaoru now was just curious..

"It was amazing." Said the drumer smiling sweetly.

"Then there's nothing to worry abt, i guess."

That was it, nothing else could be done. It was true, everything that shinya
said abt Die and their relationship was true.

It was Die's fault if the drumer ended up in some stranger's arms..Shinya loved
Die, but maybe it would be better if he really find someone that can love
him....Not that Die didn't love him, kaoru was 100% sure that Die was crazy for
the drumer, but after all this years Die still didn't realize abt it, and even
if someday he does it's worthless. He just don't know how to reach Shinya.

Stupid Die.

"Absually kao-kun, i have to go now, cause he's waiting for me outside"

"What?? Here?? All this time he was waiting for ya outside??"

That's weird i thought Kyo was with Shinya.

But then, where the fuck's Kyo??

"Hai. In the car downstairs, We're going to the beach, it's such a beautiful

Kaoru decided to stop thinking abt the little singer

So he lead the man to the door and hugged him carefully.

"Shinya, you know how much i love you, you're my best friend ever.please take
care, ok?" said the older man lovingly

"Don't worry kao-kun, i think i know what i'm doing.

i love Die and that's not gonna change from one day to another but it feels so
good to be with someone who really cares abt you, someone who can understand
you and be there no matter what."

"I'm happy for you" said kaoru gladly.

"kao-kun.i love ya too you know" screamed shinya heading down the stairs.

Kaoru smiled feeling really happy for his friend.

At least one of them was great, relaxed and feeling someway complete (?)

But his smile didn't last cause in that moment he heard Totchi speaking loudly.

So he went running to the room worried for the bishonen.

"Totchi??" asked kaoru worried

toshiya was standing next to the window staring at the lights of the city.

His cheeks were wet, it was obvious that he'd been crying.

"How do ya feel??" said kaoru placing a hand softly in the bassist forehead.

The fever was still there, and really high.

"I'm gonna call a doctor, ok?" said kaoru carefully.

Toshiya didn't show any reaction at his words, he didn't even turn back, his
eyes were staring at some point beyond the dark sky.

Kaoru took the younger man in his arms tightly and put him back in the bed

No reaction at all.

The bassist only closed his eyes and rested there as if nothing ever happened.

"Totchi.what's wrong with you?? Look at me, i'm here right beside you, and i'm
not gonna let anything bad happens to you." Said Kaoru brushing a strand of
dark hair off the bassist beautiful face.

Suddenly the dark haired beauty took kaoru's hand softly in his own.

"Toshiya!! You were awake. i thought that you were asleep, or fainted or
something." said kaoru surprised and then he noticed that his hand was still in
totchi's and he blushed sweetly.

"Kao-kun, I'm ill, and i think i know the reason.

i need to tell ya, but you gotta promise me first that you're not gonna think
i'm crazy, and you must believe me, cause other way i think i might die...i
need your help" said Toshiya seriously

"You know i'm here for you, so don't worry you can trusth me, i would never
think that you're crazy. I'm so glad that you're awake, i was so worried!!!!"

"You shouldn't. I'm gonna be ok for the LIVE, i promise" said Toshiya sadly
feeling so useless and totally alone in his cold own world.

I don't care the live, you idiot!!!!!!! The only thing it matters in my world
is your beautiful smile...

Your sweet voice and your laugh,

that way you have of walk so sexy and powerfull.

The way you make our lifes brighter.

You're the most gorgeous light in my life,

so pure and warm.

"It's ok totchi, don't worry abt the LIVE i think i'm gonna cancel it anyway"

"What?? But you were so happy abt it, you said it was going to be great and
that everything was going to be perfect" said Toshiya surprised.

"It doesn't matter..we can have many other performances later, we still have so
much ahead. But now the only thing that really matters is your health, so i'm
gonna make sure you get better soon,ok??"

Toshiya's eyes were filled with tears. He was going to ruin everything.

Kaoru seen the look in his friend's face knew what he was thinking.

"Don't be stupid totchi!!" said kaoru with his voice full of anger.

How can't he see i really care abt him, what does he think i am?? some kind of
heartless bastard that only cares abt work??

"Kao." tears falling for his cheek toshiya was spechless.

"Please Totchi, don't worry abt anything else. It really doesn't matter. All i
care it's you, please understand. You're the most precious thing in my
life..and in the others too. We're all worried abt you, and the most important
thing right now it's to take care of you and then we'll see what happen with
everything else." Said kaoru lovingly, trying to make Toshiya understand that
he was there, that he wasn't going to leave him and that he really truly cares.

"Kaoru...thanks" Toshiya hugged the elder man tightly, his head against Kaoru's
chest feeling the warmth of the guitarist body, listening his heartbeats
carefully, lost in the body that he'd longed for so much.


to be continued~


email Maharet

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