Amphetamine Usage in the US Air Force

It's almost an open secret now that
US Air Force pilots regularly take amphetamines during operations.  The latest case we heard of was that of the Canadian Soldiers being fired upon in Afghanistan.  Their lawyers say the pilots responsible were taking amphetamines, and the defence department does not deny that this was the case!
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But, for those of us concerned at pilots being able to regulate their own supply of amphetamines, this raises several issues.

The first is the question of how many of those so called
"Friendly Fire incidents" are directly attributable to the use of drugs?  This maybe is a question which will never be answered, but surely there should be some sort of inquiry into the issue?

The second major issue is that of
civilian casualties.  After all, if someone was found to have been under the influence of drugs while being involved in a car accident they would be charged accordingly would they not?   So, why should it be any different in this case?  Surely a pilot in control of all that weaponry with the capacity to kill so many people should be in full control of their actions!

Another problem here is that the command structure not being held accountable, after all, there are reports that
pilots are forced to take drugs!   And Pilots can be grounded if they refuse to take these substances. One report states that over half of the US AF pilots during the first gulf war were taking drugs!  That's quite an amazing figure isn't it?  Imagine if none of those pilots took all these drugs, wouldn't the amount of both "friendly fire" and civilian casualties be decreased?

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