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30 june 2002 sunday

goodby june 2002 and hello 2002 july.

29 june 2002 saturday went back to my old stomping grounds (a.t.t.) at the row to meet jimmy to see enigma. enjoyed the film and had a nice visit. my how things have changed and stayed so much the same.
28 june 2002 friday some useless information: when oscar wilde wrote the importance of being earnest the actual word earnest supposedly was slang for homosexual, i.e. the nineteenth century term for gay. he was later imprisoned for being earnest. tell me. how exciting is that?
27 june 2002 thursday word for the day: auspicious thought crime for the day: it's been so long since anything auspicious occurred in my life i've almost forgotten the feeling.
26 june 2002 wednesday as the world burns the days and nights melt waxily together into one seemingly unending short attention span wasted like so many recycled dinosaurs. and i'm sick to death of hearing about missing babies.
24 june 2002 monday thanks to terri for squeaky tiles and ceiling fans that rotate counterclockwise.
23 june 2002 sunday my worst fears came true with lilo.
22 june 2002 saturday ok i'm gonna do something totally unexpected. i'm gonna break my disney boycott, which i've stuck by since 1991. i read roger ebert's review of lilo & stitch and his words made me want to see it. so blame ebert for causing me to break my vow. at least i didn't break my leg. besides it's about hawaii, my adopted home, so i better see it just in case i have to go to a game show and answer questions about it. we'll see how this goes. maybe sometime i'll tell you the reason why i try to always boycott disney. post-view reaction
21 june 2002 friday minority report it's summer solstice !!! the longest day, the shortest night, the sun stands still. let the heat begin.

20 june 2002 thursday went to see the bourne identity again in hopes that seeing it a second time would be at least as or hopefully even more palatable and/or understandable the second time around. thankfully this movie was, for me at least. it actually was better the second time. maybe it was simply since i already knew what was happening--or had happened--or would happen. and for some reason the gratuitous violence didn't seem so ridiculously violent--for some reason.

19 june 2002 wednesday TV is chewing gum for the eyes. -Frank Lloyd Wright, architect (1867-1959)

18 june 2002 tuesday from electronicintifada.net ***************** HEAR PALESTINE ***************** Tuesday, 18 June 2002 ************************************************** Israeli State Terrorism ************************************************** *Israel Assassinates Two Palestinians in Hebron and Bethlehem* Israeli occupation soldiers assassinated Youssif Bsharat, 22 years old, from Tammoun, Jenin, by opening fire at him several times. Witnesses reported that the car that was transporting Bsharat was stopped near the northern entrance to Hebron, and ordered him to get out of the car before opening fire at him several times. Those who accompanied Bhsarat in the car were arrested. Walid Sbeih, 30 years old, from al-Khader village, was shot dead yesterday evening in Bethlehem. Israeli Special Forces targeted Sbeih with 10 bullets. Israeli soldiers also invaded al-Khader, opened fire randomly towards homes and arrested dozens of youths. Israeli armored vehicles also invaded Beit Jala last night reaching the Orthodox Club area. -------------------------------------------------- *Ongoing Israeli Military Invasions and Attacks in all Palestinian Cities* Jenin ------- Dozens of Israeli tanks and armored vehicles under the cover of Apache helicopters invaded Jenin from the west this evening under intense fire. The Israeli army invaded Jenin over six times since Saturday. The occupation army invaded residential areas east of Jenin this afternoon and raided several homes, before withdrawing. Yesterday evening, Israeli tanks invaded the city from the south and remained in the city for a few hours. Israeli tanks and armored vehicles withdraw to the edges of the city when not invading. Hebron --------- Israeli tanks intermittently invade residential areas in Hebron and open fire randomly. A number of people were wounded this morning when Israeli soldiers opened heavy machine gun fire towards homes in Abu Sneineh residential quarter. Israeli soldiers reached the center of the city today, physically attacked a number of Palestinian civilians and arrested five. The Israeli army tightened the imposed closure on Hebron and closed all its entrances. Late last night, the Israeli army invaded Doura town, south of Hebron and raided and searched homes. Israeli soldiers also raided homes and arrested people in Beni N'im, Nouba and Kharas towns in Hebron. Ramallah ----------- One Israeli armored vehicle and a number of military jeeps invaded the Urabi area in Ramallah this morning. All entrances to the city are closed with sand piles, while Israeli soldiers open fire at civilians and civilian cars attempting to cross. Military reinforcements were carried out between Jerusalem and Ramallah. There were reports of presence of Special Forces disguised as Palestinians in the area as well as several new military roadblocks. Gaza Strip ------------ The Israeli army wages intermittent military attacks on certain residential areas in the Gaza Strip. This evening, the Israeli army shelled and attacked with heavy fire al-Namsawi residential area and the Khan Younis western refugee camp. The same area was attacked at dawn today. The random shelling resulted in severe material damage and a state of panic and fear among the residents. The shelling came from `Neveh Dkalim΄ settlement and al-Tuffah military roadblock. Similar attacks were carried out the night before. Israeli soldiers based in `Netsarim΄ settlement south of Gaza City this evening and earlier this morning opened fire randomly at al-Zahra' city residential area. Similar attacks were carried out last night. No casualties were reported. Late last night, Israeli soldiers attacked residential areas in Beit Hanoun, north of the Gaza Strip with heavy machine gun fire. Israeli soldiers based near `Dogit΄ settlement north of Beit Lahya opened heavy fire randomly in all directions. The Israeli army imposed a curfew on the Rafah sea area today and carried out raids and arrests. The Israeli army also invaded Wadi al-Silqa area near Deir al-Balah, central Gaza Strip, today. Israeli bulldozers destroyed a large number of olive and palm trees in the process. Qalqilya ----------- Israeli soldiers prevent movement to and from Qalqilya and its surrounding villages and chase those attempting to cross through side routes. Nablus -------- Israeli soldiers prevent movement to and from Nablus. Tulkarem ----------- Israeli soldiers based at the edges of Tulkarem opened machine gun fire randomly towards residential areas today. The closure imposed on the city was tightened even further. **************************************************

17 june 2002 monday it's a sad day when you don't even care enough to write anything about anything.

16 june 2002 sunday happy day dad.

15 june 2002 saturday the bourne identity.

14 june 2002 friday windtalkers. speaking of hot air, long live bill maher to the delight of misanthropes everywhere. The original broadcast airdate for this editorial [on politically incorrect] was Friday, May 17.

Before we begin the discussion tonight, I would just like to take a moment at the top of the show to say to everyone who's contacted me in the last few days, people I know and people I'd never met but feel like I know - thank you - for your kindnesses, your support, and in one case, a hooker, but I sent her back because one, I don't use hookers, and two, it turned out we were both with the same agency. But it's the thought that counts, and on that note, I'd also like to thank ABC for the tote bag. One comment I've heard repeatedly in the last few days in, ah, bars and public libraries - OK, not public libraries - but in bars, where you get some honesty because drunks are honest, is: Now that you're free, why don't you run for office? Which, coming from television, I can't figure out if they mean that as a step up for me - or more like, "Hey! man, you can always be a congressman." Anyway, the comment makes me laugh because I truly believe of all the people in the whole country who could not win an election, I am very near the top of the list. Somewhere between Father Geoghan and Al Gore. And the reason is, I have at one time or another, insulted everybody - and I'm proud of that. Politically incorrect means not political, not like a politician, and to give you an idea how unlike a politician I am, I don't even have a wife to cheat on. So when people say, why don't you run for office? Or, why'd you get fired?! Folks, let me sum it up for you: I think religion is bad and drugs are good. I think America causes cancer, longevity is less important than fun, and young people should be discouraged from voting. I think stereotypes are true, abstinence is a perversion, Bush's lies are worse than Clinton's and there's nothing sexy about being old or pregnant. I think September 11th changed nothing and if I had known the onset of war would add 100 points to George Bush's IQ, I would have started one. I think pornography stops rape, AIDS ribbons are stupid, and flag burning makes me feel patriotic. I think death is not the worst thing that can happen to you, people have too much self-esteem, and being drunk is funny. I think children are not innocent, God doesn't write books, and Jesus wasn't a Republican. I'm for Mad Cow disease and against suing tobacco companies. I think girls hate each other, no doesn't always mean no, you have to lie to stay married, women's sports are boring and the Olympics are gay. We'll be on for another six weeks. - Bill Maher

13 june 2002 thursday still more deep misanthropic thoughts: Instead of getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like and just give her a house." lewis grizzard

12 june 2002 wednesday more deep misanthropic thoughts: Advice for the day: If you have a lot of tension and you get a headache, do what it says on the aspirin bottle: "Take two aspirin" and "Keep away from children." anon.

11 june 2002 tuesday deep misanthropic thoughts: "When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car."

10 june 2002 monday when constipation attacks the results can be devastating. when it attacks your kitchen sink the plumbing bills could wipe you out. but what is a person to do? pour ex-lax down the drain? yesterday it happened to me. it was a day-long event. it's happened before and at that time it was a three-day ordeal and it finally ended up with a visit from the plumber. i prayed it wouldn't happen again. i ran the garbage disposal as much as i dared and nothing happened. and as the long day passed no movement was apparent. so late that night i did a drastic thing. i got a big spoon and started hacking and digging in the drain. after several half-hearted attempts spoonful after spoonful of vegetable matter began to make itself an available mess. but i could sense that i was making progress of some sort. after digging and scraping all i could from the drain i tried the garbage disposal again. i flipped the switch. the drain disgorged a torrent of dark brown water mixed with mangled veggy parts. it was disgusting. i just sat there and watched as the smelly dark water swirled violently in my kitchen sink. i had visions of plumbers ripping out my pipes, searching in vain for the clog and wiping their desperate grimy hands on my clean dishtowels. then as my thoughts came back to the present and the tempest in the kitchen sink, i heard what resembled the sound of a mechanical cough of sorts, and then another. as i watched the torrential black water level began to fall. it was going down. the drain seemed to be opening back up. my head began to clear. after several minutes of running the disposal and rinsing more water from the tap down the drain it was finally clear and i could finally think again. the moral of the story is: don't put onion skins in the in-sink-erater. they won't go down.

9 june 2002 sunday my kitchen sink is clogged. my brain stops working when my kitchen sink gets clogged. now what?

8 june 2002 saturday
divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood

7 june 2002 friday bad company
an insult to chess hustlers everywhere.

6 june 2002 thursday the previous (4 june 2002) entry was about a war that ended a long time ago. this diary entry is about a war that started about that same time, but continues to this day.
welcome to
jenin, where some strange correlation between islamic jihad and israeli defecation seems to exist.

4 june 2002 tuesday in the interest of voyeurism and lack of nothing better to do at the time, and since this is a diary page, i'm including an excerpt from a sixty year-old diary of a recently expired honolulu resident. he wrote this journal during the battle of midway. so here it is: midway diary.
3 june 2002 monday spirit: stallion of the cimarron
please don't take me back to never-never land.

1 june 2002 saturday undercover brother
i'm wiggin' out.
31 may 2002 friday it's a war zone out there. no matter where you go people are tossing nukes around, or at least talking about it. and the worst thing is many of the most powerful people in this country can't even correctly pronounce the word 'nuclear.' maybe that's why they made this movie, the sum of all fears, to educate the higher-ups. but somehow i think that's just wishful thinking on my part.
30 may 2002 thursday it was a bright, hot, muggy day. i just wanted to go somewhere dark and cool. so i went inside the theatre, instinctively, like a bug crawls under a rock. unfortunately, the new guy was beneath that rock as well.
23 may 2002 thursday today's geology lesson: this is a picture of the universe as a baby.
(oops. picture gone.)
at this time, supposedly, it was still in diapers (300,000 earth years after the biggest bang.)
19 may 2002 sunday did you miss me? yahoo did maintenance this weekend so this website was not available. meanwhile, i did nothing. just nursed my foot. will it ever get better? i certainly hope so. it does hurt less, that is until i unelevate it. maybe someday it will get well and i will be forced to create something new to complain about. saw two movies. about a boy, which was about a boy and hugh grant wishing he were still a boy with no life. and i saw attack of the clones, about another boy who refused to grow up, george lucas.
15 may 2002 wednesday oh my god it's another day....
14 may 2002 tuesday what the hell happened to the last three days? oh yeah i remember i was reclining my foot. yesterday i did it again. i went to the movie. there's nothing else to do. i saw high crimes with judd and freeman, for the second time no less. it didn't seem any better the second time but at least it wasn't worse. my foot today seems noticeably better for the first time that i can remember since fracturig it. how long as it been--nine or ten days. it is still swollen and even if the pain is less intense and more bearable it has crept up into my lower leg. why i do not know. maybe its gangrene.
11 may 2002 saturday sometimes i wonder if my foot is getting better or worse. usually after the fourth day i can notice some improvement. i've lost count but this is beyond day four. if i don't keep my foot propped up on something the pain becomes almost unbearable in just a few minutes. yeah i know. blah blah. saw unfaithful last nite. (luckily i can prop my leg up at the movie theatre. it's actually almost more comfortable than home.) it was like revisiting madam bovary in world lit class. put me in a time warp. i was having memories of collegiate adventures as well as watching a movie. two for the price of one. ........... this article, new science, was in the new york times. i wonder if this scientist guy is for real? it would be a relief of sorts to be able to go through a significant paradigm shift.
10 may 2002 friday my how time flies when one is having fun. my foot is keeping me hobbled. luckily i don't have to walk on it. but i do seem to need to keep it elevated, which puts a big damper on most other activities. i can't even sit at my computer for more than a few minutes without being attacked by blinding foot pain. so i'm stuck using this wireless keyboard webtv thing to access the internet. at least i have that i suppose i should be thankful....
7 may 2002 tuesday my left foot--hurts. but it's not as bad as it was yesterday. i think. it is swollen. i'll probably develop club foot and limp for the rest of my life. a bonified freak.
6 may 2002 monday all my children is quite a bore these days. the plots need some new twists. today in the shower i slipped and hurt my foot. it hurt really bad but i just ignored the pain and hurried to finish my shower because i still needed to fix something to eat and get to the dr. and pick up my pain pills prescription before the office closed. they close early. as i chopped some veggies and cooked and later washed some dishes i noticed the pain in my foot was not diminishing like a normal every- day bump or strain pain. it was getting worse. i propped it up while i ate and that seemed to make it hurt even worse still. i hurried faster because i was late and moving slower than usual and didnt stop to worry about my injury, i didn't have time. i couldn't be late and miss my meds, and i definitely needed those pain relievers now. i finally dashed off and rushed to the dr. thank goodness i use a power wheelchair. i don't think a normal human would be able to walk at this point. it's about a ten or fifteen minute stroll and i made it to the dr. with about fifteen minutes to spare before they closed. good no problem. i picked up the scrip and headed on to my next destination which was of course the pharmacy. the weather was cloudy and damp, my favorite. but today the damp weather just sunk into my what-must-be-broken foot bones as i traveled and the pain increased. i dread going to the pharmacy because i'm laid off from work and my medical insurance is past due to expire. my scrip is monthly and its expensive with no insurance. normally i pay 11 dollars as a copayment but that was when i was working. now i'm just a bum waiting for my social security disability to kick in. and even after that my ends won't be meeting. medicare doesn't begin for two years. i dropped the scrip off at the pill window. the wait was half an hour and in the meantime i needed to get cat food at huckelberry's, a natural foods store in this neighborhood the next block over. my cat is natural so i think it wise to give her natural cat food. the trip from the pharmacy to the food store went quickly. it was still drizzling and my foot was still pounding. i got to the store and bought the cat food, plus some olive oil, and headed back to the pharmacy. on the way back to the pharmacy i noted my foot still hurting really bad, even worse than before. when i got to the pharmacy my scrip was ready. the cashier asked me if i had new insurance and my heart froze. i expected this to happen and still it felt like my best friend died. i told her no i'd pay cash. my foot was really hurting. i paid for the pills. the pill bill was 176 dollars for sixty pills. one month's supply. oh my god i didn't realize it would hurt so bad. my foot was pounding as well. i started home and made it about ten feet outside the door before i stopped and popped one of those priceless pain pills. i didn't care about money any more. all i knew was throbbing. after getting home and calming down from the trip i decided i would go to the movie. maybe that would divert my thoughts from my throbbing foot. of course nothing new is playing at the theatre so i just decided to take my chances and go to whateve was playing at the time i got there. the trip to the theatre, about ten or fifteen minutes in the opposite direction as the dr. was grueling. every bump pulsed into my foot. but i made it and wound up going to see changing lanes for the second time. during the movie my foot still throbbed. the film helped avert my attention sometimes i suppose. but i needed more pain relief. so i opened the brand new sixty pill prescription in the middle of the dark theatre and promply tilted the bottle and poured pain meds onto the floor while watching the movie. i stopped pouring when i heard pills tinkling against my wheelchair footrest. needless to say i was aghast. i looked down at the floor in the dark theatre and as my eyes adjusted i saw four little bb size circles resting in the filthy theatre carpet. i climbed down out of my chair and picked them up and put them in a separate bottle so as not to infest the clean unpoured pills. i suffered through the rest of the movie wondering what would happen next. after getting home i counted my pills and as near as i can tell didn't lose too many. one or two maybe three. i sometimes don't count well during times of deep depression and paralyzing pain.
5 may 2002 today another first time ever was accomplished. i finally actually paid money to go see a woody allen movie, hollywood ending, and incredibly enough i enjoyed it.
4 may 2002 i went to see this movie, deuces wild, because i wanted to see how people supposedly dressed the year i was born. indeed.
3 may 2002 something tells me that spiderman is gonna be a box office success. i was kinda of bored at times.
1 may 2002 tonight's movie, jason x was definitely a chuckle. unfortunately that's about it.
28 april 2002 sunday everything i write here is a lie. that's not true.

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