The Culture of the Goddess

For at least 25,000 years this peaceful civilization practiced complete equal rights between the sexes, socially, politically, and spiritually.

In the ancient and universal cultures, women did not dominate men, as in the case of later societies, where men practiced absolute power over women and wrote that women were evil and caused the sin of humankind. There is no indications of a pyramid social structure, or hierarchy dominated by a woman or a group of women who gathered most of the wealth and power for themselves, leaving the rest of society to figh over the crumbs, as is repeatedly found in the later societies, ruled exclusively by male hierarchies. There were cooperative communities, where the primary ethic was based on sharing, of food, natural resources and work.

By every indication these early communities sought to live in harmony with the organic and cyclic processes of Nature, rather than to dominate, exploit or destroy their environment, a process that begins in the later Bronze Age developments.

Another feature that was absent from these early communities, is any sign of violence. In their extensive artwork, there was no indication of any symbols of domination - spears, swords, or thunderbolts, that are found in later societies, where the ruler or deity demands obedience under the threat of killings or violence. The emphasis was on bonding, reinforcing the primal connection with the Source of Life and the cooperation between all Life forms.

This is not some isolated region, where one or two tribal societies lived peacefully for a couple of centuries and then mysteriously disappeared. This was a continuous culture of shared beliefs and customs, that spread out over the Earth in a vast expanse, and lasted for over 30,000 years.
