While the illustrated menu page still exists, I think it indicative of a very reactionary period of my life, and unnecessary to visit.


The links below are all one needs.


Guide and Index of /kayneich/notes - I guess there's an overriding theme here of being among people who genuinely feel concern for my having very different views to the outlooks that are more familiar to them. The essence of the old pretext page is still a pretty contrived mess, but was broken up and modified through to Feb 09, thus :

adjustingflow.html      28-Jan-2009  9:48     19k  

A transient, but necessary, phase, giving me a platform to move on from so much cultural ideology. Through 
writing, I've found better conceptual tools, but many won't be able to tell. I'm hoping that my own wariness 
of the spoilt brat in me keeps me honest. Readers may be more patient if they realise I dread speils from 
people akin to social workers on the "importance of knowing where I come from", when I just need someone 
organized to do things like prepare, and maybe feed, me a meal of lamb chops or chicken, say... When I
consider persons I've associated in my mind with much pain stemming from when we personally knew each 
other, and fear I may have to make them officially part of future processes as part of my independent 
living, I do ask for a lot of understanding. I felt the need to mention what these difficulties are for 
me in writing, but these aren't intended to diminish how others interpret what they've experienced with me

cripaffect.html            01-Feb-2009 22:34 (more tidied through to 5-Feb re public campaigns, poor
			  mutual empathy,  just a glancing blow to the "medicalization" non-issue)     45k  

Some consequences of crip dogma with specific reference to aspects of sexuality, but broader in actuality. 
Apologies to those who gave up on earlier versions, and I really wish they could see how I think it is coming 
together more now. The nature of the material would have people pretty worried about me if I kept 
asking them to return to read the drafts I think I have gradually improved upon! Both sections of 
the page seem to get somewhere now. For me, it still takes awhile after reading to digest. My confidence 
in the piece has always wavered

without.html                 26-Jan-2009 14:08       6k  If people just respected my atheism...

Parent Directory        26-Jan-2009 14:08      -

::::: If it was just insults and namecalling I was whinging about, I wouldn't blame people for not listening ::::: Regressive sham independence | Platitudes? social construction introduces more scientific rigour, not less