DanZan Ryu Jujitsu
To contact Sensei Halligan you can call the club or e-mail him at :
Click here to visit the American Judo and Jujitsu Federation webpage.
Instructor Sensei Gerry Halligan
Some members of the Buffalo area DanZan Ryu group. 
Kneeling left to right Bob Kunkel (nidan), Mike Byrnes and Paul Smardz (shodan). 
Standing left to right Davy Pearce (nidan), Rob Korody (shodan), Marty Brzykcy, Keith Pollak (nidan) and Gerry Halligan (Sandan).
The group meets twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:30-9:00 pm. 
The founder of DanZan Ryu, Henry Okazaki