April 24th 2005: Hi. I know alot of the pics don't work or links are broken, but this page is VERY DEAD. I don't update no more. Haven't touched it for over a year. ;_; Sorry.

March 25th 2004: Hi. I just wanted to say, this page is very much done with. Infact, I feel bad I had closed it this long. So I've put back the old layout, so you can access old content. If this site does ever get back on it's feet, it's going to be off geocities and over at: loveisalive.net just so I can stay away from pop ups. ^_^;;

If you have anything to say, you can contact me or my sister by the following:

  • Yahoo Messenger: Vanessa_Ayukawa or Kmixmob
  • AIM SN: VanessaAyukawa or pimptwist15
  • I have a journal here. But I don't really talk about the Kings
  • Email me here.

    Thanks alot. To all the good friends I've met since I've started this page. Sorry I let you all down.

    Oct 1 2003: My lack of the updateing has pissed me off. I hate the front page. It's HORRID. Why did I think it looked nice? Blah. I have got to do something with this site. I got to clean it up and make it decent. (I keep telling myself that...) So yeah. Just want to throw it out there that, I'm alive and I will update this page once again. And it's OCT!!! Ohmygosh. I had no idea. I just want to stab myself for the shame I've brought on this page.

    Aug 18th 2003: Added 14 live pics from Saturday's show. Nothing organize, just up and for viewing. If you went to Sat's show. I have a few pics of fans on stage with the Kings. I mean NOT crowd shots, but like a fan beside a King. Don't know why.. Just turned out that way, so keep an eye out for future updates. Because I can send you a untagged one your way. See the live pictures here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/vanessa_ayukawa/397723.html Any comments would be great.. You don't have to have a livejournal to leave a comment.

    Aug 15th 2003: NEW FRONT LOOK! Doesn't it look NICE? Altho' it makes it look like I have no content. *weeps* KMK show tomorrow. Will pick up the new dvd and post a billion pictures.

    Aug 13th 2003: Added one link. That's pretty much it. Have no time for really anything. I work nights and then I'm back in school next week. *_* Not really looking foward to it. Had plans to revamp the site and make it more clean. Won't even call it "The Shrine" anymore. To this day, I have no clue; Why I called the site that. Hmm. When the site is revamped. I won't have a single fan, because people seem to get angsty, when I speak of the taxman/x or pak/x love and hate when I tag, make fun of the Cosplay. (Damn you. It doesn't end with Taxman. I have no shame and will pull a Daddy X soon.) So what's with all the rambling. Just felt bored. If you ever want to like read some ramble on KMK and other things I enjoy you can read the blog... And um. I'm hitting up that KMK Slim's (San Fran) show this weekend. So see me whorin' the merch booth with the new Live Cd and Live dvd and Jersey's!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. JERSEY'S!! And since alot of the (good!) kmk sites are going away, feel free to support the ones that are still around like Freedom Fighters, High Society, Suburban Slang, and um.. Well if you know of any that I don't know of. I'm no longer KMK savvy, do give me a link. I love to link anyone and everyone's page.

    July 30th 2003: Didn't forget this page. Will update very soon in the near future. Otherwise. ^_^;; Thank you for reading this lame excuse.

    July 8th 2003: ^_^;; teaser pic. The shrine is going to move to loveisalive.net very soon. Imagine, no more popups and all THOSE live PICS!!

    July 5th 2003: Long! read it! let me know what you think! Clearly I should have written this thing up sooner, but I lack time. I trying to get everything moved. Which is taking FOREVER. Props to the lovely's who speak to me and for shame on those who hate me and don't even know me. FOR SHAME. But the review. I had a grand time!

    June 28th 2003: http://www.oocities.org/takuro_glay_idol/vanessa_and_daddyx_covered.txt Yup. That was last night. I have more. MUCH MORE. Expect this site to moved and revamped else where. I want this site to be crediable. X_x (can you believe that?)

    June 26th 2003: You don't say...

    June 1st 2003: Bye everyone! This page is closed for now~!

    May 6th 2003: Live picture time! Mario submitted his own live pics. I've put them up for all to see here. Do let him know what you think.

    April 22nd 2003: *looks around* *looks above* TAXMAN. SO PRETTY~! God damn I love that look. He gets the honor of being the revamp guy. Everything, hopefully is to your liking. The front page is no longer so filled with a million links which can scare away anyone new who comes to the shrine. But now everything has their own sections. Sadly, many things are gone, The Kings go Google, the Trading Cards, the KMK Icons, The pimptwist screencaps, Ang's pics.. So yeah. Geocities is crap and deletes much. Expect the site to move in the next month. But until then, NEW look and a new freetalk. *weeps* Taxman, soooooooo pretty. Now I will revamp that site very, very soon. *smiles*

    April 18th 2003: Ok. I have not touched this page in a long while. Infact, here is the plan. I will start to scan in all my live pictures. X_x. I will scan them in big, large and of course tagged. Haha. I mainly do it to piss those people off who throw fits over tags, which makes me wonder, because their not your pics, but these people who bitch are usually the ones who claim they are. So this is the plan for the upcoming month or so, live pictures. But I lack space. Geocities is clearly not reliable since my Pimp Twist caps are long gone. *_* Anyone? Share?

    April 9th 2003: People really like random thought of the day. X_x. I never thought anyone would read that, but I notice my hits have gone up. I figure people are coming to read a damn sentence from me. Err.. This is what I'm being told when I'm on AIM. Which is in itself a very scary thing. Anyway. I got an update here, somewhere. Just a promo from the Kings. Clearly, I'm bored with this site. What else is new?

    April 4th 2003: Hm.. Just moving some things around. Haha. Don't mind me. Updated the Mix Mob page. Take a look if you want. Hopefully a FREETALK up soon.

    April 2nd 2003: The hottest Kottonmouth King was chossen a while back. I'm floored. And I was a judge! The winner, plus other info on our very, very, VERY close runner up and general stuff is over at contest page. Just want to thank everyone for submitting pics and being supportive. The contest sure was. Um.. Fun. I'm not to sure what he'd win, but I'm working on something. As for the this site.. *sigh* Mix Mob site should be updated with MORE meeting the Mob in a couple of hours...

    March 28th 2003: Didn't think I'd update to soon. But had to pass on this new find in the fandom, Thanks to Jack via livejournal, see Daddy X as you've never seen him before.

    March 25th 2003: For the record. This site, the net and all that isn't my life. I can't update everyday. I'm a very busy person with a life and a career. Yes, I'm not a 15 year old kid with all the free time in the world. (This is an example, nothing towards any 15 year old website owner, I just notice when you like young, you have alot of free time.) The contest has been update with 4 new enteries and even MORE coming soon. Send me email on what they should win, I need ideas. No hidden link time for a long time and not any time soon. I don't have time to scan in anything.

    I weep at the sad, sad, fact of the Taxman shrine. Damn I miss seeing him like every month last year, and I don't go to any shows anymore. So I suck. *weeps* Everyone stop sending me smutty emails about him and Kelly. None of that occured at the Roxy, so stop. I'm not interested, as far as I'm concern the boy is X's bitch. X_x. And um. What was the point to all that? I guess, I'm sad and I WANT to update the Taxman site, but all my crazy rambling, fanart and pics will piss off all the rabid taxman girl and boy fans who are WEIRD and think he is such-such and don't want to believe he's this-that. X_x. Not that I know. Oh no. But I just like my Munch softspoken and zoned out.

    I'm rambling. I should stop before I say more shit. I so want to do a page on Anna Rose. Cause everyone and their Mom want to see her "work". And I have like, all of her work, even pics of her expecting Skyblue. I would so put it all up and censor it all so I can piss more people off. Haha. It just isn't right to look at X's wife naked.

    I wonder if the other Kings look at his wife's work. Hm..

    Anyway, I should go, bye to everyone. Who knows when I'll update this again.

    March 18th 2003: I'm sick. It's bad. So everything is put on hold. Even the contest. So added this new fansite for people to be kept busy. It's all pretty. *_*

    March 14th 2003: 4 more boys up at the contest. Time's running out, you got 10 more days. Wouldn't mind seeing some more adults. People want to know who I think so far, the other two judge's haven't a clue who their going to chosse. I'm all up for #19. But I might get shot if I say anymore.. Anyway, go see. Maybe have a poll or something to see what the general lot of you think. Maybe. Did you check Hidden link? X talking about Pakelika and refering to him as a kid. X_x...

    March 13th 2003: About 4 more submissions are up. I bet you all missed "hidden link time", yesterday? During some random part of the day, I put a hidden link on the front page, where you can download a live track, see some untagged live pics or just something that frequent viewers of the site get to see. I had one up from 10-11am and only 3 people saw it. So, find that hidden link if your here at random times. Meeting Mix Mob pics are up here.

    March 11th 2003: Submissions are up at the Kottonmouth King Contest, figure I'd put them up, so other guys get an idea of what their up against, so far all is good and I'm thrilled and well. Surpised at how young the majoritiy of the enteries are. *weeps* I feel so old, because I want to rant and rave at how hot some of these 16 year old's are but that's well. Illegal. X_x. Anyway, over at KottonmouthKingdom, you can now vote for hottest Kottonmouth Queen which is funny, cause all their submissions are of older women.

    March 10th 2003: *waves* Going to be deleting ALOT of stuff soon, so save what you can while it's here. ^_^;; Added those 4 banners. Those things are the things I think are worth visiting, everything else is crap. ^_^;; And my Mix Mob webpage is "up". Bare basics, but it shall grow.

    March 8th 2003: Going to see Mix Mob tonight in San Fransico! And take a look at this: ~ O_O. Who do they hire to do their art? It's horrid! I need to bust out with my own work. ^_^;;; Don't forget to Enter the Hottest Kottonmouth King Contest!

    March 7th 2003: Enter the Hottest Kottonmouth King Contest! Special, special thanks goes to Saint from KottonmouthKingdom.Com for letting me do this idea. X_x. I hope I get submissions. You all have two week. Click on the link for much, much more details and win pretty KMK stuff!!!

    Feb. 28th 2003: This is the webpage for all those crazy Dloc fangirls.!!! *stabs self*

    Feb. 25th 2003: Get your very own Kottonmouth King trading card! Daddy X is avalible for grabs Going to update the Taxman Shrine tomorrow.

    Feb. 23rd 2003: If you have a livejournal, there is a new Kottonmouth King communitiy that everyone should hit up KMK FANS LJ Join. Post. Make noise...

    Feb. 20th 2003: Everyone should visit Mower's Official Website. Why? Because I got an email telling me I should say that. Now that I've said that. Peek in the updates page for a word or two.. My Queen's. We need to chill. Dloc isn't pretty!project, isn't even what you think it is. So wait till it's done, before you talk to the trash. You might even get a laugh or two.

    Feb. 19th 2003: "Just a shout out. I love the Taxgirl. I GOT THEM.. Waaaaaaaaaai. Expect update on how Dloc isn't pretty, later.

    Feb. 9th 2003:Thanks for coming back. Sorry to say, but the pictures of the Judge's house had to be taken down for numerous reasons. But it is proof that SOMEONE does visit this site. ^_~... For the update. Screencaps to the Pimp Twist video. This video wasn't release on an official DVD or anything like that. My copy is a horrid mpeg format, and so the caps didn't come out as great as I would have liked them to. Sorry none of the strippers were included in this gallary. Also, moved some things around. I have a project in the works that some of you might find of interest.. But for now, that is all I have to offer. (Funny how Bobby B is in the opening shot of the Pimp Twist video, but after that, he isn't nowhere to be found.. Hm..)

    Jan. 29th 2003: Glad to see some great postive feedback and the guide to KMK on the internet and great to see some fans from Canada visiting the site! For today, I added more links and Ang's collective of KMK pics. Here's your exclusive, a look inside the Judge's house, where Dloc does laundry, The Judge paints and see Richter's dirtbikes. Have massive fun with that and give Ang a little love if you see her on aim/icq/ym. She is my idol.

    Jan. 26th 2003: Hi! Sorry about the lack of updates but now that Iam back on track. Expect more. Much more in the future! My live pictures will finally be scanned in and an exclusive set of personal pics of the Kings in a couple of days. Plus other things. But today. I've notice new fans of the Kings more and more every day so I present in the Freetalk section A newbie's guide to Kottonmouth King sites on the internet come look at the very best the fans can offer!

    Jan. 15th 2003: Sorry about the wait. Well. I honestly doubt people waited. It's a figure of speech, yo. But 53 new screencaps from the Dog's Life are up and ready for the taking! I really liked that video. It's bright and colorful and clean. Saint looks good in his white hoodie, Dloc in his "DLOC" hat, Dog Boy with the ladies and X. Well he always looks good!. If your visiting, show me a little love at the guestbook It's getting mightly lonely there. Think of this way, it's a great chance to tell me a little about yourself, and that's always important to me!

    Jan. 13th 2003: See the above image? A teaser of the new set of images for tomorrow. So many pretty pictures of Saint, Big Hoss, Dloc and Bobby B in that brown oversized jacket. So see you tomorrow? And heads up for the Saint fans! He's posted a teaser video at his site. (I got this blur of news from the Kottonmouth Kingdom tagboard. It's neat where you can get your latest news.) And the Kings have posted two new tour dates, set for March in West Hollywood.

    Jan 8th 2003: Who's going to THIS? I might go. Not to sure if I have time to drive like what? 10 hours? Sorry for the lack of updates. I got ideas and things to upload. I just don't have time...

    Jan. 5th. 2003: Hi. Sorry for the lack of updates. I just got my dream job at a big time hospital. This job is going to change my life and more importantly, I could say this could be the highlight of my medical career. Sadly, they gave me a shift unwanted from 10:30pm - 7:00am. But I know people who are in med school for YEARS who want a job on the floor, and I've only had like 3 years of college education. All In all, Iam damn lucky. Sorry for the rambling, Iam just thrilled. Was diggin' around the search engines and found this fantastic interview with my Daddy X and a blur on the Taxman dvd: A project starring one of their members, Taxman, is expected to be released in 2003. Directed by independent filmmaker out of Silverlake, California, Ricky Vodka, "does really cutting edge independent films…kind of dark and edgy" ....

    Jan. 1st. 2003: Happy New Year! Hopefully you've all had a grand holiday with your friends and family. Iam really glad that you've taken the time to visit this page, and hope you don't mind the lack of updates for the pass 2-ish weeks. I had a nice holiday and well. The only thing I have up for you at this moment is Daddy X's interview in Murder Dog magazine....

    Old updates are here

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