fan fiction by Vyola
Ah, the ghosts of faded fandoms past. I have the following note on this file: Yes, it's 'revelry' in the May 10th entry. At this point, it'd take longer than the story to explain all the in-jokes. Get what you can from it and let the rest go. :) Nope, I have no idea what the refs are anymore. I'll have to take my own advice.

From the Journals of Blair Sandburg

May 1 -- Had that dream about Jim again, the one with the tutu and the Pez dispenser. Must remember to stop eating pickled herring and peanut butter sandwiches after 10 p.m.

May 4 -- A new dream. Jim and I were hugging. Felt good, right. Out of nowhere this guy appears -- beret, riding crop, megaphone -- screaming 'Cut! Cut!' I'm not positive, but I could've sworn it was David Soul....

May 6 -- Another night, another Jim dream. This is ridiculous. I'm like so het. Really. Why else would I date a new girl (or three) every week? I'm open and comfortable about my sexuality. Jim, on the other hand.... He's so straight and uptight you can use him as a plumb bob. He's gotta be repressing something. Wonder just what he was like in Vice....

May 10 -- Gave a test today and caught myself daydreaming about Jim. When a student jarred me from my revelry, thought I heard a few notes of 'The Pina Colada Song'. Weird, man.

May 12 -- Could this be some sort of Sentinel/Guide connection? Visions of Joel Taggert in a gold lamé thong have been obsessing me. Am positive that they are not products of my psyche but you never know what Jim could be hiding.

May 13 -- Ack! Dreamed Jim and I went shopping for his-n-his handcuffs then went back to the loft to test them out. Lost the keys and had to use the cell phone to call Simon to get us out. Will never again be able to look at a cigar without blushing. What was in those brownies?

May 14 -- The visions are unrelenting. Labored under the delusion that a heat wave hit Cascade. In May? Get real. Am considering going steady with my right hand only don't know how to break up with my left....

May 15 -- Found the answer. It *was* seepage from Jim's subconscious. Have restricted his Internet access to only. Finally a good night's sleep. Oh, yeah. Bookmarked 852 Prospect on my own account -- purely for research, of course.

the end
15 May 1997

garden gate
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