
It is acknowledged that an impartial Creator and Almighty God "....makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." (Matthew 5:45).

Because of that, all "good"-natured people are inclined to join arm-in-arm with their neighbors (whoever they are) and sway back and forth, like in some annual German beer party. But perpetual euphoric fellowship of Alle Menschen zusammen ("All People Together") hypnotically unified together in joyous chorus characteristic of the last movement of Beethoven's Ninth simply not realistic.

True, there is a certain comradery and partnership expressed as one zooms down the freeway together with and alongside other drivers whose only known identity is distant familial relation to all humanity's common-denominator ancestors who stepped off of Noah's Ark after the worldwide flood. But the fraternal affection is quite limited indeed by a vast majority of not only competitive but even impatient tailgaters who in their latent road-rage inclinations would honk to hell anyone who doesn't move out of their way.

The other day I saw another bumper sticker which consisted of the word "COEXIST" written in letters symbolizing major world religions. That got me thinking.

CAN there be coexistence in view of Middle-Eastern clerics relentlessly and incessantly bellering out vicious anti-America anti-Israel hate speech, inciting even child suicide bombers to self-establish their ticket to Nirvana on genocidally murdering God's elect and those of Jacob and David who are "entrusted with the oracles of God" (Romans 3:2) and "beloved for the sake of their forefathers" (Romans 11:28)?

Also contrary to godly coexistence are the intolerant, judgmental, and mean-spirited ACLU, AUSCS, PAW, atheist, homogay activist, feminist sexist, anti-creationism evolutionist, and abortionist modern-day Herodians (Matthew 22:16, Mark 3:6, and Mark 12:13) with their divisive secular-media editorialists constantly spewing out printed and airwaved-broadcast slander, distorted half-lies, misrepresentations, and reviling blasphemies against true Christians and Scriptural morality.

Jesus Christ (typically representing one major world religion: Christianity) once stated that "I am the Way, The Truth, and The Life. NO one comes to The Father but by Me" (John 14:6). Obviously, then, the God of Christianity is set above all other gods and religions right from the start. Because of the non-cooperativeness of the immoral majority, how can there then be coexistence with our Lord Christ Jesus and His followers among those of the differing religions of Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Islam, etc.?

Moreover, all other religions and cults simply will NOT give up their false idolatry and anti-Biblical heresies to accomodate to Christ, Christians, nor Christianity. How does that relate to everyone coexisting?

Scripture itself speaks of a certain coexistence of wheat growing with weeds until The Harvest of Final Judgment Day, at which time the cultic anti-Christian weeds will be uprooted and burned with everlasting fire (Matthew 13:30 and Luke 3:17). Not exactly eternal coexistence for everyone on the planet, to put it mildly! "What partnership has righteousness with inquity?" "Come out from among them and be separate...then I will welcome you, says the Lord" (Second Corinthians 6:14-18).