
Check out these cool Quizes!!:

Which Lord of the Rings Character's Eyes do you have?

You have Dominic eyes! Your just a plain old actor. You recognize that it's just a movie and you really don't care all that much about your eyes anyway... even if they are adorable.
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Which Lord of the Rings celebrity is your perfect match?

your match is Viggo Mortensen. Pensive, rugged and thoroughly thought-provoking, Viggo is the man for you.
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Who is you Dream Lord of the Rings Date? With nice pictures for all you girls!

Your date is Legolas. He will be kind to you, and he will also put your needs before his own. He knows how to love, and will always be there for you. Also, he's cute! What a plus! You lucky, lucky girl!
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Which Tolkien lady are you?

LUTHIEN. You are the daughter of an elf king and a Maia. You are extremely powerful and take charge of your own fate as much as possible. Not even you can avert tragedy though. You go for standing up to Morgoth.
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