T'lon, another Queen is going to fly! I want to try to catch her!
T'lon was just waking up in the first mornings rays of light. Eatanth must of been up for hours, since you could see he had ate and slept. He was proberly ready to fly in the mornings pink sky. He knew about the Queen Lillith flying soon. T'lon got up out of bed, and went to his baths, where he took a bath, and got dressed. Then he went to the kitchens, where the embers from the fire were still glowing. He grabbed a cup of klah, and some bread baked last night. He quietly drank and ate, then he put the cup down.
He went out to the Weyrbowl where Eatanth ate 3 wherries, and 4 herdbeasts. Then, while Eatanth was eating, T'lon went to the love shack and signed Eatanth and himself up for Gold Lillith's flight.
Eatanth was waiting for him when he came out of the Love Shack. He couldn't but smile at T'lon.
You signed me up!
T'lon put his dragon saddle and straps on Eattanth, and they took off. His big brown couldn't but act like a brown. Before they took off, T'lon saw Mioko, a young greenrider, quite attractive, he had to admit she was beautiful, and he had a crush on her.
You know her green Ornath is quite attractive too. Ornath told me her rider likes you, Mioko isn't it? You should ask her to the gather tomorrow, since your going with your friend J'mal and his girl, Shaerli. Why don't you?
Oh, Eatanth I don't know. I do like her alot, adn she's right there. I guess I will.
T'lon gathered up his wits, and went over to Mioko and her green Ornath. Mioko smiled at him as he approached.
"Hi Mioko, would you like to go with me to the Gather tomorrow?" he asked.
"I'd love to, T'lon, what time?" she asked bashfully.
"How about the 15 candle mark?" he asked.
"That's great, can't wait!" she said happily.
"Good," he said walking away.
Oh, Eatanth she said yes! I can't wait, let's go riding for a bit, how about Mooncrest Weyr, I want another firelizard form there, how about it?
Yeah! Let's go, another one would help me alot. Spooky can't help all by herself.
Fine with me, I wonder what color I'll find.
T'lon took the sadlle and straps and got up on Eatanth, and they flew ot Mooncrest Weyr.
A few candle marks later they returned with a bronze firelizard named Tyon. THen he remembered Mioko had a gold fomr there, maybe his bronze would catch her gold. He fell asleep....