
So soft, so innocent
yet eyes that are wide
in wonder

Full of energy
eyes enraptured,
chasing butterflies

Restless young dreams
wings testing the air,
growing up

Cascading heart's flutter
eyes filled with starlight
a young woman's flight

Calming days
yet eyes that still shine
with burning desires

Slower days filled with wisdom
longing for days gone by
life's flame, glowing embers

Heart has calmed
eyes are closed
and once again

Serenity, peaceful sleep
and that sweet innocent

These are the days of our life;
the 'circle of life'

our Milestones



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Let's go back to ~ Living Portraits ~ ...hmmmm?I'm getting confused...maybe we better go back to the beginning again

Let's go back to the EMBERS content page ok???

Why don't you drop me a line ok? The next poem we'll see is ~ One Boy One Girl ~ ...ok?



Moon and Back Graphics


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