
What is a volcano?
    A volcano is a vent in the earth that often forms a mountain built by lava and volcanic ash erupting and building up.  A volcano not only releases ash and lava, it also releases gases.  The gases are usually poisonus and contain sulfur.
Volcanoes usually occur at the edge of plates.  A plate is a section of the earth's lithosphere, the crust and upper mantle, That move around the earth.

What are the parts of a volcano?

    A volcano has many parts. One part of a volcano is the vent.  The vent is where the lava, steam, ash, cinders, and smoke can travel.  Another part of a volcano is the crater, the steep part of the top of a volcano.  A  parasitic cone is a smaller volcano that comes off of a volcano.  Magma is stored under the volcano within the earth in a chamber called a magma reservoir.

What are the types of volcanoes?

    There are three main different types of volcanoes.  One type is a Cinder cone volcano.  A cinder cone volcano explodes with in itself, dust flys into the air and the falls down to the groud.  This type of volcano usually is pretty steep.  A shield volcano is not very steep and lava just flows from the vent.  Another type is a composite volcano.  A composite volcano is a volcano that is not steep and is a combination of Cinder cone volcano and a shield volcanco.

Volcanoes of Our World
Volcanic Hazards
Signs of an Eruption
What Causes Volcanoes