(Tom Winston)

    Perhaps more than any other actor in the cast, Jusdon Pratt realizes the difficulties that were surmounted by the producers in putting on "The Desperate Hours" for he has been a producer himself, albeit not on Broadway but in summer stock. For twelve seasons he was a partner in the company operated during the hot months in Skaneateles, New York, where he produced as well as acted. As a strawhatter, he has performed with such notables as Shelley Winters one year and Judy Holliday another in "Born Yesterday;" with the late John Garfield in "Golden Boy;" as the Doctor in "Mister Roberts" and with Imogene Coca and Edith Adams in "Wonderful Town." One of his most gratifying experiences was a role in Alfred Hitchcock's motion picture, "I Confess." Television fans are familiar with his virile appearance since he has been featured in video shows on all the major networks. Pratt was born in Boston and attended Ithaca College. His entrance into the theatre occurred when he played truant from high school for a full year to take a job with a traveling show. His previous Broadway stage appearances were in "Billy Budd" and "Hook 'n Ladder."