"Two Feather Aspect"

God Created me,
Endowed me with my creativity and sensitivity,
and lovingly detailed every facet of my personality,
INCLUDING my homosexuality and homorelationality,
and bestowed upon me the gift of the twin spirit.

Therefore, I believe that God also consecrates
my expression and celebration of my twin spirit
and homosexuality in all ways, including open
physical expression, and private consensual
consummation of my sexual and relational desires.


It is God's greatest gift to me and, surely,
the fullest expression of God's wonderful
creativity that homosexuality exists, hand in hand,
with heterosexuality, bisexuality, and indeed,
sexuality itself.

It is a mere piece of the divine puzzle,
and nothing to be hidden or shamed.

And, I would never turn my back on it.
And, I will go to my grave proclaiming this to be so,
for all future generations.

                                                          -Christopher Scott Snow

