People say that Tybee was at it's best as far back as 50 years ago. That maybe true but the Tybee I remember was its best about 18 to 20 years ago. There was no Tybrisa Condo. That was a vacant lot where you can easily see the beach from the Ferris Wheel. There definately was no Ocean Plaza Resort, where it sits on one side was a single story Ocean Plaza Motel, The other side was parking for the Veranda Motel. Thats a change that I some what agree with, it needed to be done.It still blocks the view of the beach though.

I remember as a kid riding the bus to Sol C Johnson it was a great time to catch up on some sleep or do some last minute homework. On the way home some friends and I would wait for the bus to empty alittle then we would wrestle throwing eachother over seats having a great time.This didnt seem to bother the bus driver, Diane Boyd. We played safe, no one ever got more than a bloody nose, I say that cause my nose bled easy and I know I had to of had a nose bleed at one point.

After we got off the bus seemed like about 20 of us would run home, change, and head to the beach for a game of football. It wasnt easy running in that soft white sand. Seemed like you had to use twice the effort you would use in grass or hard dirt.

The summer time was like this I would spend most of my day at the beach working at Norberts Rent a Float. Which was right down the street from from my house. Well, I never officially worked there, but I hung around and they would send me to set up umbrellas and chase down floats that were over due.

The nights were working at the amusment park. Thats were I found most of the girls. I would give them a ride on the Ferris Wheel and make them promise to meet me back at the amusment park at a certain time, usually an estimated time of closing and of course I had to make dates with 3 or 4 diffrent girls, cause I never knew which ones will show and which ones will sucessfully escape parental supervision. I should say we, my best friend at the time, Windol Melton and I would wait till the first 2 girls showed up and take off to the go cart track.

Everyone that worked at the amusment park got free rides at the go cart track and everyone at the go cart track got free rides at the amusment park. It worked out pretty good. Ater the track closed it was off to the beach to make out and get our feels.

I always tried to make it back to the arcade before 12 am to help Sinbad clean up. He would pay me $2.00 a day to sweep and mop Strickland's Arcade. "Make sure you get all them cigarette butts, Mr Strickland will be mad if he comes in in the morning and see them.", he would say. So I done my best, he always checked behind me though. The floor blended well with silver coins I always found when i swept.

Mr Strickland also owned the laundry mat and the grocery store next door. He is/was a good man, but his name fit him well. He was very strict. He didnt mind giving you his opinion on any thing. When I walked into his grocery store every where I walked he or his wife was there. They didnt trust anyone. I was always afraid of them. I wonder if he ever knew who cleaned his arcade. He sure never thanked me for it. I guess that was just between Sinbad and I.

After I got done ther windol and I would go to the animal house which was just down the street. I think the real name was Beachview but everyon called it the animal house. Margret Block was like our partying mother we stay there till 2 or 3 in the morning playing uno and picking on her cat, Midnight. She was a very sweet woman to my surprise I found out she died of cancer a few years ago.

Now it time for the sad part. Tybee today some will say in 20 years was at its best, but it isnt near as attractive as it used to be in my eyes. There is no more fun. Everything and just about everybody I used to know is gone. Now that the amusment park is gone all that remain is a few old friends.

Bill & Tammy LopezSinbadClint

If Your'e pictiure isnt here yet, dont fret, I havent got to you yet. If you have memories of Tybee to share please leave me mail. I would love to put them on this page.

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