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    ontrary to popular belief, milk is not the most nearly perfect food, which is what we have been led to believe for decades. In fact, there are many reasons why cow's milk should not be consumed at all. Here is the real truth about milk.

Milk is the number one allergen in the world.
Allergies and sensitivites to cow's milk can produce any number of ailments and con-ditions. The symptoms and effects are wide-ranging, and can include: rashes; hives; acne; skin eruptions; sinus congestion; digestive disorders; excess mucus; headaches; brain "fog"; ear infections; behavioral problems; asthma; arthritis; clogged arteries leading to heart disease; and mutation of cells leading to cancer, to name a few.
Milk is very difficult to digest.         
Cow's milk is meant solely for the nourishment of baby calves, not humans. The molecules that make up the structure of cow's milk are considerably larger than those of human milk, and this difference can cause serious digestive problems. Once babies are weaned, they quickly lose the enzyme that helps to digest milk. Humans are the only animals that continue to drink milk
~ and then ~ from a cow

Milk is contaminated with harmful chemicals.  
The cow's milk that we drink is not "natural" or "pure". Cows are injected with antibiotics, as well as, growth hormones, and given feed laced with pesticides. If this isn't bad enough, diseased and cancerous meat may also be added to the feed! All these deadly materials are carried in the milk that we drink. As well, cow's milk is very highly processed, being subjected to extreme heat, which kills any vitamins and minerals that the raw milk may have contained. During pasturization and homogeni-zation, many chemicals are used in the process, turning milk into a carcinogenic substance. Chemical additives weaken the immune system, and can cause disease.   
Milk causes the body to be acidic.
As stated on the "Optimum Health" page, since milk is an animal product, it makes the body acidic. Because the body always wants to be slightly alkaline, acid-forming foods leave it open to a wide variety of allergies, viruses, infections and diseases. 

Milk does not provide calcium to bones and teeth.
Milk may contain calcium, but it is not able to be used effectively by the body. Be prepared for a shock
~ milk actually leaches calcium from the bones! All meats and animal by-products pull calcium out of the bones and excretes it from the body. The fact that the majority of Canadians and Americans consume such huge quantities of animal products is the main reason why North America has the highest incidence of osteoporosis and arthritis. (Another factor, is the lack of magnesium, which most of us are deficient in.) Studies have shown that countries with the lowest occurance of these diseases, eat little or no meat and dairy prducts, but consume a diet primarily of vegetables, fruit, berries, legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, some fish, and water. We should be getting our calcium from a vegetable source such as dark leafy greens and raw nuts and seeds. An all-natural calcium/magnesium supplement could be taken, as well, or just magnesium (if deficient), but have "Omega" testing done first.

Milk could become infected with "mad cow" disease.
Although we have banned the importation of cows from Europe, we still permit their beef by-products. Some substances that are allowed to be used are: bovine blood, bone meal, skin and gelatin. Guess where some of these contaminated products end up ~ in animal feed and in fertilizers spread over our crop fields! If these deadly substances end up in feed for dairy cows, then the disease could be present in the milk we drink. The temperatures reached during the processing of milk may not be sufficient to kill mad cow disease. As with cows, this terrifying disease attacks the brain of humans, and the end result is death!
                              1 c. brown rice                  
                              10 c. purified water

Place brown rice and water in a large deep pot. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, uncover and simmer for 2 hours. (Kombu seaweed may be added.) If liked, add flavourings and sweeteners, like vanilla and stevia*.

*Stevia is a natural herbal sweetener available in health food stores, and is highly recommended.
Nut milk is usually made from raw almonds, but you can also use any other raw nut that you like. Different kinds of nuts can be combined to produce various flavours. Do not use peanuts, as they are highly allergenic, containing a very toxic fungus, which cannot be eradicated. Seed milk is made from raw sunflow-er seeds, but again, experiment with other raw seeds, like sesame and pumpkin.


1 c. whole raw almonds, soaked in
                                 3 c. purified water for 24 hours
                                 3 c. fresh purified water
                                 2 - 4 honey dates, pitted (optional)
                                 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract (optional)

Drain almonds. Put in a blender with 1 & 1/2 c. of the fresh water. If sweetening and flavouring, add the other 2 ingredients. Puree until smooth and creamy. (Use as much water as needed to keep the blender mixing.) Add remaining water and continue blending. To remove pulp, press puree through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth-lined colander. Reserve pulp for baking or healthy homemade treats. Store milk in fridge.
Alternatives To Milk
Acid Foods
Acid Foods
* Other forms of milk are called whey, casein, and caseinate, so read labels!
The Myth About Milk
There are several healthy substitutes for milk ~ you can buy them ready-made from supermarkets and health food stores, or as a powder you mix. Some brands of rice, soy, nut, and oat milks add calcium, plus other vitamins and minerals. Try different kinds to see which you like best. You can even purchase flavoured milks, "ice cream", and cheese, all made from rice or soy! You can use these milks any place you use regular cow's milk, and an added bonus is that they taste better. Make sure you buy ones made with organic, whole foods. As always, check for allergies and sensitivities. Following are some recipes for various "milks" that are good for you and your chidren. They include: rice milk, soy milk, and nut and seed milk. Experi-ence a whole new world ~ you have nothing to lose (except maybe, poor health).
So, say "Nuts to Milk"!                
                                      SOY MILK

2 c. organic soybeans
12 c. purified water

Soak soybeans in large quantity of purified water for 24 hours. Drain and rinse. Put half the soybeans in a blender with 3 c. fresh cold water. Blend on high until beans are finely ground. Pour mixture into a very large pot. Blend rest of beans with 3 c. of water and add to pot. Add the remaining 6 c. of cold water to the pot and stir. Place pot on burner and bring to a boil, stirring to keep the bottom from scorching. Reduce heat before mixture starts to boil over. Allow to simmer and bubble for 7 minutes. Then sprinkle a small amount of cold water over mixture until boiling stops. Let the mixture come to a simmer again. Repeat the cold water
/simmer treatment 2 more times. Remove from heat. Pour mixture through a strainer lined with cheesecloth or other sheer fabric, into another pot. The strained liquid is the finished soy milk. Put in bottles or containers and let cool before refrigerating. Makes about 3 quarts. If less is needed, you can half the recipe. Keeps about 1 week in the fridge or several months in the freezer. The ground soybean pulp is very nutritious and can be used in loaves, soups, stews, casseroles, veggie burgers, etc.