Some of the topics might not be that interesting to everybody. So, people especially kids who are not ready to knw all these things can click back and see some other topics..!



Do u knw watz ur future????:---@%#$%%^#$!!!#$&%^&

Cryonics : Do u believe Life after death ? Well, some people do ..! Image one day in the year 3005 Aug 15 8:45 pm .U gonna come alive with the same body u r in right now. As, technologies are getting better and sophisticated year by year . Scientist believe that one day technology will make the dead alive. Just like giving life to a Robot with some electricity to work and some software to know wat its doin or wanna do which is just a dead thing given life..!! U have to register to Cryonics so that until the technology is reached to such an extend your body is stored in a Liquid Nitrogen to preserve you body.



Bionic Man: No more man will be the same in the future. As Computers and man is merging with each other..Within very few year we all be wearing fabrics(Cloths) which are System integrated for us to surfing the net and do all the computer or a Laptop does.. Already the these have been implemented in Advanced countries. The person who doesn't have a bone it has been replaced by a Titanium alloy.A Deaf man is fitted with microphone which sends the vibrating sound signal to the Brain in the form of electronic pulses.Same with a Camera for the Blind. These all have been implemented in countries. As, the people will be not using any light in the dark by using infrared camera ..! Zoom with the eye fitted with camera. Replace bones with stronger metals. All these advances will lead man to a stage that he 10 times stronger, faster and live for very long.That is Bionic man with merging of with Bio material with technologies !



Pheromones : Chemical that gets exchanged between a Boy and a Girl sending message for sexual intercourse. These are the Smell less , invisible chemicals that will be transferred between the two individuals without there knowledge. It has already proven in the animal world. Pheromones are


AI (Artificial Intelligence) AI the futuristic Intelligence


Space-time by Stephen Hawking: Not easy to Understand .. It about Time travel and


Solar Flares: The sun is a nuclear Furnace and it is the one blasts


Virgin Beaches around the world

Amusements Parks around the world