Boon (noun) -Someone new to the game, or just really shitty. Also pronounced boonie.

Boonied (verb) -Obtaining a frag thru pure luck, or a cheap tactic.
Example: I just boonied Private!

Camptastic (adjective) - Something you call the camper who just shot you in the back. Example:That was camptastic Private!

Hacktastic (adjective) - Something you call the boon who's using auto aim and wall hacks to remove your head.

Hacktusations - False claims of hacking.

Jihadular - Using suicide as a means to obtain your goal.

Shovelize (verb) -A reference to editing shovels into people's hands via graphics programs. Can also be used as a noun. (shovelized)

Suckah! (noun)- Although we didn't invent this word, we may as well have.

Shovelrai (noun)- An honorable warrior who follow's the Way of the Shovel.

Gleet (noun, adjective)- Something thats beyond elite.

Turncoat (adjective) - Someone who betrays their roots, morals, or team. Example:That guy quit |mK| and joined up with {xyz}, fucking turncoat.

Oj'd (verb)- Stabbing someone. Name comes from Oj Simpson.

Shovel Rape (verb) - To kill someone with a Shovel.

Ymf - Your mom fag. The simple way to win any argument.


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