Sam's Pictures


So you have came to see pictures of me, Sam? Well you won't regret it, I take some wierd pictures. Even though not many of them capture my beautiful qualities, hehe.

Hmm... nice camera

This is MY spot

This garage scenery is just breathtaking, isn't it?

Bear, buddy, pal, could you move you head?

Okay, I need a nap, shoo

I look like a cotton ball.

OKAY! So you caught me with the stolen iteams, I'm sorry Mr. Potatoe, would you like you hat and glasses back?

PLEASE don't turn this vacuum on!

Okay I'm going to take a nap, no vacuuming until I'm done


Well don't be shy, come back another time, I might have more pictures by then!

Snuggles's Pictures

Bear's Pictures

Mystic's Pictures

Em's Pictures

Bean's Pictures

© 2000

PLAYING: Garbage-Push it

Since July 1, 2000